Example sentences of "for a [adj] [noun] before [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Being Ireland , they ended up by eating three teas , then roared out to a singing pub in Howth , then went for a major curry before returning for a ‘ little party ’ in a student house .
2 The eyes flickered up to meet mine for a split second before returning to his notes .
3 In practice , it would be better to test for a negative number before using SQR rather than trap the " — ve root " error .
4 Hayman thought deeply for a long while before making up his mind .
5 Some people have felt that this borrowing from Dorothy and others shows a certain egotism on Wordsworth 's part , but it was his method as an artist to absorb things into himself , and think of them for a long period before writing them down ; nor is it necessary to maintain , in any case , that the ‘ I ’ of a Wordsworth poem is necessarily the poet himself — it may stand as a universal shorthand symbol with which the reader can equally identify .
6 She had looked at Sylvie for a long time before speaking .
7 She seemed to lie in bed for a long time before falling asleep .
8 The upward spiral on which film budgets were set suggests that Rank might have had to go on losing money for a long time before hitting on a way to achieve a steady supply of sellable films .
9 But it does need to be borne in mind that although this form of sudden death can create such instantaneous reactions there are also people who hide and keep quiet and suffer for a long time before finding the opportunity to talk to someone about their feelings or until another trigger sets them grieving .
10 Alexandra had gone for a long walk before replying to this letter .
11 She walked up the stairs , one , two , three — a tense moment on three as the wooden foot hovered over the step for a long moment before descending .
12 He looked at her thoughtfully for a long moment before nodding .
13 He took another step backwards and stared at her for a long moment before saying , ‘ This is the last time I 'll ever look on you willingly . ’
14 Love and pride shone from her enormous black eyes as , ever tender , she lifted her grandson and held him against her grubby sweater for a long moment before returning him to his crib .
15 From there it is only the briefest of staggers to Route 66 or Blackett 's , in Bondgate , for a final beer before hitting the clubs .
16 Perhaps going for a moonlit swim before making love under the stars .
17 Peter studied astronomy at University College , London , and worked in accountancy for a short spell before deciding upon a career in nursing .
18 We continued for a short distance before pitching our tents in the boulder strewn tundra now below the elegant , ice-fluted summit of Chonku Chuli .
19 If you invite only three or four , the conversation may become general , and you are likely to be left out , so be bold : invite twenty people , then you can move around , making contact with individuals as you ply them with food and drink , or sit with one person for a short chat before moving on to another .
20 After two years national service he returned to Newark for a short period before moving to Peterborough in 1952 .
21 You will remember that Julie Smith was admitted for an emergency appendicectomy and was only in the ward for a short period before going to theatre .
22 The fiery blast killed everyone on deck instantly , with the single exception of the captain , who lived on for a short time before becoming unconscious and falling overboard .
23 In a major success on June 18 they defeated SOC forces at Kompong Thom , and then held the town for a short time before withdrawing .
24 But Ven , she discovered , was not prepared to let her off the hook , and , ‘ Why … ’ he began to challenge , ‘ … when you 're honest , I know it , yet have begun on a path of deception to one particular end — why , when it 's so important to your sister whom — you love … ’ an alert look suddenly came to his eyes , and he broke off for a brief moment before continuing , his serious dark eyes holding hers ‘ … a sister whom you 'd do anything for , as you proved when you left England and came here — why are you ready to leave now , without another thought ? ’
25 Most reassuring is the news that the forces of truth and justice subscribed to the ‘ video ’ service for a whole year before making any arrests .
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