Example sentences of "for the [noun] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you break down on a motorway , do not leave your car , just wait for the motorway patrols to find you .
2 Nor did it , for the patrol men knew her , and her stirrup light was in order .
3 Most papers did not mind , however , for the government restrictions kept their paper and printing costs low and enabled them to make good profits from the big demand for advertising space .
4 Tranmere Rovers verses Swindon Town.Now all it needs is for the Swindon players to hold their nerve and hold on to their two goal advantage .
5 Absolutely right , and Lindsay said the same , you know , because there is sufficient time for the tour operators to get their act together now and promote the holidays , and given the British tradition , you know , we they will take their holiday , I 'm pretty sure .
6 In the War , distribution expenditure had been running at only a fifth of the prewar level , and the plans prepared by the undertakings for the Electricity Commissioners show they expected to continue to spend more than half of all their capital on developing distribution , as they had in the 1930s .
7 Whether handing over stretches , or allowing light railway lines to be built alongside BR lines , it insists on running special training programmes for the LRT workers to ensure their security on the track .
8 The summer of 1925 was hardly the most propitious moment for the textile unions to make their stand against further wage reductions .
9 The draft prospectus was accompanied by balance sheets for the water authorities projecting their finances 10 years ahead .
10 Now all we need is for The Stone Roses to resume their proper business ( which is making records ) and clear away all the current rubbish in the chart ( That would surely mean that The Stone Roses would have to release 100 singles which would all have to chart .
11 Paul Stock dale , the Secretary of the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions ( CSEU ) for the Tyne yards stated their position in the Journal of 24 March 1986 :
12 So it 's okay in a modern Labour Party for the trades unions to have what is effectively still a block vote ?
13 He shivered in shop doorways as he waited for the traffic lights to give him green .
14 The demand for gas soon became too great for the coke ovens to supply it , so gas works were set up .
15 There is not a lot of case law for the adjudication officers to base their decisions on .
16 As to what the hon. Gentleman said about those who worked for Karl Construction , the building firm that was decimated on Friday , let me pay here , on the Floor of the House , the most profound tribute to those in civilian employment in the Province who go to work to make it possible for the security forces to do their job .
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