Example sentences of "was also [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Stevenson was also sentenced for offences which magistrates convicted him of in February this year .
2 Additional information about clients ' social characteristics ( for example , marital status ) and drug-using behaviour ( for example , method of use ) was also collected from agencies which routinely recorded such details , namely GPs , the Drugs Council , and the Detoxification Unit .
3 The vote was also influenced by references which he had made relating to the " double nationality " of the Secretary of State for Planning , Lionel Stoléru , who was of Jewish origin , as well as by allegations referring to a " Jewish internationale " and its role in the " creation " of an " anti-national spirit " .
4 However , at a more basic level it was also influenced by research which examined the nature of the problem of caring for dementia sufferers at home ; this section , therefore , looks first at the problems of care , and then at other innovative projects .
5 A total of $75,000,000 was also provided for communities whose water supplies were affected .
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