Example sentences of "was not a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Individuals were rational , and war was not a rational tool of foreign policy , since it could no longer be used to achieve the goals traditionally associated with it .
2 Ron McGregor , a junior officer with me on Vincent was not a regular Commander of the new Vigilant .
3 The sugar plantations and the slaves on them were the first British overseas investment of any size , at a time when investment of this sort was unusual , and in several eighteenth-century wars the British fought to defend this property , though it was not a central cause of any of the wars in which they were involved .
4 While praising the work of bodies like the National Trust for Scotland and Historic Scotland , he said the notion that a simple sign was not a serious way of dealing with history had to be discarded .
5 But equally , MDC in its first eight years was not a major generator of jobs — and the individual cost of those created was extremely high .
6 Broadcasting was not a major issue of the — relatively brief — presidential election campaign that followed ; but television played an important role .
7 Knowledge was not a womanly way of life .
8 It may be argued that this was not a new concept of the basic function of monarchy ; perhaps so .
9 The end product of psychedelia was not a new way of looking at the world and a liberation of the mind , but rather a lot of shit concept albums in the 1970s and an inaccurate belief on the part of pop stars that they were somehow important .
10 The patchwork quilt of administrative decision-making powers reinforced the idea that this was not a new system of law in the making and the formalism of normativism led to the idea that to the extent that we had administrative law , the subject consisted wholly or mainly of delegated legislation and administrative adjudication ; that is , the forms of administrative action classifiable in terms of a conception of a formal separation of powers .
11 Gertler ( 1988 ) concluded that the motor industry model had over-influenced academic writing and that the ‘ post-Fordist vision ’ was not a new era of production but the ‘ intensification and development of historical trends established long ago ’ ( Gertler , 1988 , 430 ) .
12 Fisher 's study also suggested that recall was not a good measure of whether a road sign had been heeded .
13 He told me that this was not a good time of the year to see Riga .
14 Michael Foot was not a good Leader of the Opposition .
15 Mr Davies said that Mr Venables was not a frequent user of drugs , but to his knowledge he had taken LSD , ecstasy and amphetamines .
16 The cyclic model of development was intended to thwart the transmutationists , but was not a mere product of Owen 's and Miller 's imaginations .
17 His misfortune was that Charles was not a traditional Prince of Wales .
18 Obviously uncertain as to his own musical direction , Moore recorded with Lizzy , but was not a full-time member of the band , which at the time featured Brian Robertson and Scott Gorham .
19 Peters ' article on Bedouin families contains information about who lived in particular camps , leading him to suggest that ‘ the core ’ of a camp was not a male head of tent-hold , but his mother ( Peters , 1965 ) .
20 ‘ I did not get the impression they were reaching out for help , there was not a general mood of crisis . ’
21 As soon as they began to talk , you realised that this was not a diffuse collection of misfits , suitable cases for treatment or counselling .
22 There was not a great deal of transatlantic cruising in those days , but whenever a yacht did sail into the harbour Peter rowed over and introduced himself .
23 ‘ They need to find themselves a decent bloke , ’ said William 's nan once , presumably meaning four decent blokes as she was not a great advocate of polygamy .
24 And there was not a great lot of the clover seeded about until they started with this wild white clover .
25 He concluded , however , that it was not a necessary precondition of a restitutionary order under section 6(2) or of a remedial order under section 61(1) that the person against whom the order was made , whether the contravener or the person ‘ knowingly concerned ’ in the contravention , should have received the money or property ordered to be restored to the investor .
26 It was not a twenty-year period of formal civil conflict .
27 Carol Gilligan 's research , which focused on the distinctively female moral dilemma of an abortion-decision , suggested that what was emerging here was not a moral deficiency of women but a ‘ different voice ’ on morality .
28 ‘ That was not a simple case of a husband obtaining a document from his wife ; it was also a case where the document had been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by means of pressure and the concealment of material facts …
29 Thus for many students , choosing science was not a simple matter of inclination or ability : many felt happy and at ease with both areas .
30 It was not a simple matter of carrying out fieldwork , thinking about the results , publishing them , and waiting for peer review to ensure the next research grant .
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