Example sentences of "was to be [noun] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 God spoke on three February mornings to John Reeve , and told him that he was to be the prophet and his cousin was to be Reeve 's mouth .
2 When the Fiat had emerged from the gateway of the Miletti villa at five o'clock that afternoon , Zen had been astonished to find that his driver for the ransom drop was to be Silvio 's secretary , Ivy Cook .
3 The State Bank on Kutuzovsky Prospekt was to be Adimov 's target .
4 The very subject matter of ‘ Kubla Khan ’ , Xanadu , is heavily connotated with creativity , since it was to be Kubla 's invention , a mythical city based entirely on his own personal ideas , and to some extent , it can be seen as a product of his own imagination blended with the awesome power which he wields ( needed in order to create such a setting ) .
5 Set up by his guru , James McCloskey , as an offshore Gibraltar corporation , with bank accounts ( Nos. 00569798 and 02843900 ) at the First American Bank of Maryland ( a BCCI subsidiary ) , Condor was to be Coleman 's front for resuming control of Tony Asmar 's network of agents in Lebanon .
6 Dundas , a martinet figure , was to be Mosley 's chief of staff , Raven Thomson his leading intellectual , Chesterton his best polemicist and Joyce the leading speaker , who rivalled Mosley in the brilliance of his oratorial style , even if the content was often rabid nonsense .
7 The Supreme Council on April 6 passed a law on elections to the Riigikogu , which was to be Estonia 's parliament ( replacing the Supreme Council ) once a new constitution had been adopted .
8 The two machines , one for Britain and one for France , were handed over and it was to be Bertrand 's responsibility to transport one to Paris and so on to London in the French diplomatic bag .
9 Then Cantona committed his second And if the masses shoe-horned onto the Vicarage Road terraces had the growing feeling it was to be Watford 's night , Cantona 's second howler of the night when Strachan 's cross found the darling of Elland Road unmarked again and just six yards out .
10 The tall major who was to be Charles 's Company Commander opened elegant french windows onto a terrace .
11 This house was to be Lovat 's Brigade H.Q and it appeared that we were going to be there on high ground for some time .
12 They walked across the square together , to the little hall which was to be Wycliffe 's base for the duration of the case .
13 In the long term this was to have a marked effect , but the immediate result was to be Curteys 's deposition in 1580 , after the infuriated gentry had appealed to the Privy Council to stop his assaults on what they regarded as their own just rights .
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