Example sentences of "was a [noun sg] that it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 12–10- There was a proposal that it was desirable to have " an assistant to labour in the district by preaching and visiting " and it was thought that Mr Findlay of Dunlossit would give assistance towards this object .
2 And they were triumphant , as we were now , because it was a sign that it was going to be all right : a clear confirmation of life .
3 It was a woman that it was a woman that did it .
4 It was , if you like to put it that way , it was a status that it was your district . ’
5 You mention the fact that erm there was a feeling that it was a s because of the size of the workforce , it was possibly a strike which could be won ?
6 However specialist nurses were provided in certain districts and there was a feeling that it was a better system .
7 ‘ There was a suggestion that it was Alain Gebrec that she saw . ’
8 There was a rumour that it was all a Tory plot to ruin the Liberals ' celebration of the success of their MP 's in bringing about the repeal .
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