Example sentences of "was a [noun] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She did much for the Red Cross , Girl Guides and the Royal Society for the Blind , and was a magistrate for many years .
2 Not that he was a stickler for such things ; he thought courtesy titles rather silly , in fact ; but she always used to call him ‘ Esquire ’ .
3 The accession of Gerald Ford to the presidency in 1974 was a relief for many Americans .
4 He did n't think having been a member of Big Flame was a qualification for either post .
5 He was a member of syndicates involved in leveraged buy-outs , he was a prominent Lloyd 's underwriter , he was a consultant for this corporation and an adviser to that emirate .
6 That shop was a springboard for many people : Janet Osborn of CBS and Chandos ; Quita Chavez of Gramophone ; Ted Perry , founder of Hyperion , and many others . ’
7 Terrible ! and you make a heaps of the field and then that 's the first handling , and then these heaps had to be loaded on to a trailer and then they were all dumped in a big heap at the bottom of the drive , and then we wait till there was a truck for each Stow station and load it all up again , and do you know there 's those forks with big Cumberland Cross on the end , and we 'd load those up , take them to Stow station , and unload it into the waggon .
8 Ireland was a nightmare for all parties ; the fifty-year respite gained by Lloyd George in 1921 was certainly based on pragmatism rather than principle but no other policy could have worked .
9 There was a word for that kind of thing : it branded you as a ‘ premature anti-Fascist ’ .
10 Furthermore , there was a tendency for many decisions to be made not in proximity to the camps but in UNRWA 's headquarters in Vienna .
11 But in either case there was a tendency for such borrowings , whether they were syllabuses , textbooks or examinations to become fossilised and consequently to represent a historical rather than a current picture of British educational practice .
12 As in France , it contained great lay officials called steward , butler , constable and chamberlain , who controlled its military and domestic affairs ; and as in France there was a tendency for these offices to become hereditary .
13 IF THERE ever was a man for all seasons it is the redoubtable John Jackson , whose posts include a board seat at electronics group Philips and the vice chairmanship of Ladbroke .
14 Consequently there was a witch-hunt for any books that could possibly be construed as sexist , racist , colonialist , etc , which were fallen upon with all the fury of a Puritan iconoclast .
15 Emigrating to better yourself was a dream for most Jamaicans , a dream many were determined to fulfil .
16 He was a widower for some years before his death .
17 Capturing motion in a photograph was a goal for many photographers .
18 If only there was a way for each viewer to leave his mark .
19 His loyal mount Indraugnir was a match for any daemon .
20 But although there was little doubt that many of the latter ideas were attractive in terms of pollution , their practicality was a matter for some debate .
21 My principal inheritance was a justification for any irresponsibility I cared to indulge in thereafter .
22 They 'd been married about four years now , and while their apartment was n't exactly a centre of domesticity , it was a Mecca for all kinds of zany characters who had something interesting to offer .
23 It was a kiss for all things .
24 The one significant exception was a ride for several days from St Louis to Memphis on a barge train to see these monsters of the river from the top side .
25 Later he became an assistant to the composer Benjamin Britten and was a pianist for several ballet companies , including the Stuttgart company in Germany and Sadler 's Wells in London .
26 There was a manual for each hardware component and software product , the total running to perhaps a hundred linear feet , not including the numerous multiple editions of manuals .
27 She was a colleague for many years .
28 He is , after all , the Chairman of that committee but certainly I advised him against that and I thought it was totally wrong er to do it in the way he did and I , I think it was a shame for this Council that he , that he did go ahead , but there you are .
29 He was a JP for many years .
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