Example sentences of "was hold to be [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , in R v Lincoln ( Kesteven ) County Justices , ex p M ( a Minor ) [ 1976 ] 1 All ER 490 , evidence that a father was having incestuous relations with the two older sisters of a child before the court was held to be relevant and admissible .
2 It was held to be unambiguous and that , in the context , ‘ delivery ’ meant delivery of materials and not delivery of a completed operable system .
3 In later proceedings for the continuation of the Mareva injunction , it was held to be regular and proper practice for a plaintiff to commence proceedings on the same cause of action in several jurisdictions in order to obtain Mareva or corresponding relief .
4 The costs agreement was held to be valid and enforceable .
5 The defence of volenti was held to be inappropriate but the plaintiff 's damages were reduced for his contributory negligence in riding with a drunken driver and failing to wear a seat belt .
6 Although Aurangzeb was held to be bold and valiant , he was capable of great dissimulation and hypocrisy .
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