Example sentences of "was hold [prep] [be] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The signed statement was held to be ineffective since it was given after the contract was made and therefore could not incorporate terms into the contract .
2 Thus , in R v Lincoln ( Kesteven ) County Justices , ex p M ( a Minor ) [ 1976 ] 1 All ER 490 , evidence that a father was having incestuous relations with the two older sisters of a child before the court was held to be relevant and admissible .
3 Thus in Couturier v. Hastie ( 1856 H.L. ) a contract to sell a cargo of corn was held to be void because , unknown to the seller , the ship 's master had already sold it in Tunisia , as it had begun to ferment en route .
4 It was held to be unambiguous and that , in the context , ‘ delivery ’ meant delivery of materials and not delivery of a completed operable system .
5 In later proceedings for the continuation of the Mareva injunction , it was held to be regular and proper practice for a plaintiff to commence proceedings on the same cause of action in several jurisdictions in order to obtain Mareva or corresponding relief .
6 See also Ginera v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1982 S.L.T. 136 where an application for Sunday opening in respect of a provisional grant of licence was held to be incompetent as the licence is not in force and only the holder of a public house licence can make application for Sunday opening .
7 The excess was held to be recoverable as not having been paid voluntarily .
8 The seizure was held to be lawful as police entering premises with a warrant had authority to remove anything which they believed to have been stolen .
9 Not surprisingly , such policy was held to be invalid since it purported to override the express statutory duty , imposed by section 6(5) , to give effect to parental preference whether or not the child comes from the area of the local education authority .
10 The costs agreement was held to be valid and enforceable .
11 The defence of volenti was held to be inappropriate but the plaintiff 's damages were reduced for his contributory negligence in riding with a drunken driver and failing to wear a seat belt .
12 Volenti was held to be inapplicable as the doctor could not be said to have agreed to the risk .
13 Although Aurangzeb was held to be bold and valiant , he was capable of great dissimulation and hypocrisy .
14 Ltd. ( 1988 C.A. ) a 20-month-old Fiat was held to be unmerchantable because , unknown to the buyer , it had eight months earlier been totally submerged in water for over 24 hours and had consequently been treated as a ‘ write off ’ by its insurer .
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