Example sentences of "was so [adj] that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was so close that I felt I could reach out and touch her .
2 I was bleeding from a laceration on my scalp and was so drunk that I had no recollection of what had happened ; a Sergeant quizzed me closely and seeing that I was incapable of speech , took me downstairs and put me into an ambulance .
3 I thanked my lucky stars for Twelve French Poets , the A-level syllabus , and our rectangular French teacher , who was so thorough that I found I could discuss symbolism and synaesthesia without batting an eyelid .
4 In my mind it was so real that I spent several hours on this description .
5 The resulting chaos was so memorable that I 've never dared take a holiday during a conference again !
6 From the tarn , I followed my nose down to a cairn that stands on the shoulder above Deepdale Side where the view down Deepdale into Dentdale was so good that I sat and looked at it for a good half-hour until the thought that I needed to be home by late afternoon pushed me on down to the green lane of the old Craven Way .
7 It was no longer just go out and do a gig with your equipment — there were lighting men , dancers , singers , — there was so much that I think no-one could handle it and he was wanting more and more to make the show very good .
8 Although I had now done a few television interviews , I was still a relative novice and there was so much that I wanted to get across to all the people watching .
9 The difference between the way we saw life as young people — especially the amoral attitude to sex — and the conventional way of portraying it on screen was so great that I knew we were on the verge of a big change .
10 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
11 ‘ On that particular day , we arrived there about ten o'clock , and I refused at first to go any farther ; the charm of those gardens and their flowers was so great that I wanted never to leave them .
12 It was not that I was so self-blind that I saw nothing to be learnt .
13 The laugh she gave was so dirty that I knew it was going to be all right .
14 I was so shocked that I did n't think about whether I was hurt or not . ’
15 It was so terrible that I began to feel ill .
16 I was hanging from my wing down the length of the pole , the wind strong enough to pull and toss my body against it , and each time it did the pain at my wing was so terrible that I cried out .
17 And it sounds ridiculous saying it now , but what eventually made me decide to move was when John Mayall brought horns into the BB line-up ; I was so dumb that I thought , ‘ If it 's horns , it 's not blues . ’
18 This apparently was so serious that I had a sudden joyous hallucination .
19 When I was researching this subject , the opening exchange of conversations was so invariable that I learnt to recite it at once to save time .
20 No one seems to worry about earthquakes , however : there was a slight tremor at about 8.30 a.m. one day last week , but it was so slight that I did n't notice it , although did .
21 I had to share Miss Miller 's , but I was so tired that I fell asleep immediately .
22 One night I was so tired that I fell asleep when he was still pushing in and out of me .
23 To me , the content was so uninteresting that I stopped opening the cover , so that the numerous approaches offering me overpriced advertising space were always rejected .
24 I was so relieved that I began to weep tears of joy but Liza was not similarly affected .
25 When I was released , I was so relieved that I swore I would lead a normal life — no more endless walks .
26 The knowledge which I had acquired from the LCCIEB was so relevant that I enjoyed the course tremendously .
27 One day , in one of these tiny streets , with shops on either side and with stalls of street vendors in front of them , the way was so crowded that I got to a place where it was impossible to move .
28 He was so frightened that I went to look for the animal .
29 It was so clear that I knew I 'd been blind .
30 ‘ I was so annoyed that I blurted out : ‘ Good God !
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