Example sentences of "was not [adv] [adj] [that] he " in BNC.

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1 Constant change was worse still ; in the words of one satirist , the scandal of the player was not so much that he disguised his real self in playing ; rather he had no self apart from that which he was playing : ‘ The Statute hath done wisely to acknowledge him a Rogue and errant , tor his chiefe essence is , A daily Counterfeit …
2 When Wordsworth confessed in a letter of 1794 that " I am of that odious class of men called democrats " , what he was indicating was not so much that he was a supporter of a wider parliamentary franchise as that he was on the side of the people and that he was a social and political egalitarian , though not necessarily also an economic one : " … my heart was all/Given to the people , and my love was theirs " , recalled the poet in The Prelude ( 1805 , Book IX , II .
3 It was not so much that he had anything against people in general , more that he saw no purpose in deliberately setting up occasions on which you stood around trying to think of something to say .
4 And that piece of undeniable truth was , perhaps , a mistake , too , for Dr Neil was not so drunk that he did not ask , without a pause , ‘ And what happened to them , McAllister , when you lost your parents and your fortune ? ’
5 Although Crawford was one of the few Test cricketers to play in spectacles it would seem that his eyesight was not so poor that he could not be used by the military .
6 The district had changed since he last lived here , but he was not so old that he resented it .
7 He was n't even sure that he wanted to .
8 Dougal was chasing a forlorn hope ; and he was n't even sure that he was going by the best route .
9 ‘ When I took over in 1990 , Nigel only had one cap and I was n't absolutely convinced that he would be an integral part of the team .
10 Gurder was not certain , not entirely certain , that Arnold Bros ( est. 1905 ) really existed , and Angalo was n't entirely certain that he did n't .
11 It was n't very likely that he was going to want to get involved again , was it ?
12 It was n't so much that he had confirmed her fears , it was his tone she found infuriating .
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