Example sentences of "was the [det] [noun sg] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was the latter fact that got him so many commissions from the Church of England , who abhorred the Catholic leanings of Pugin and his stable .
2 It was the same banner that flew over the columns of marching men converging on the Women ‘ s Battalion guarding the Provisional Government in St Petersburg … the same banner that was raised in front of the crowds surging into George Square in Glasgow .
3 I think it was the same drive that led me to invent a series of very complicated games with another school friend , Roger Ferneyhough .
4 Rory supposed it was the same thoughtlessness that had made dad and mum have him so much later than the rest of their children .
5 It was the same thing that made him physically shrink into his scarf and his leather jacket .
6 The flame that sparkled in its heart was the same fire that had flared between them since the beginning .
7 It was the same mentality that led him into the folie de grandeur of thinking that , having been a champion driver , he was also fitted to run a motor-racing team — indeed , to think that he was better fitted to do so than those for whom he had worked and driven .
8 Mary was certain that it was the same estate-car that had swept her into the ditch .
9 It was the same quality that made his fascination with money so inoffensive .
10 The wind that blew tin cans along the streets of the dormitory suburb where I was growing up was the same wind that howled round peak and scar and wrested piccolo tunes from the reed patches below the drystone walls .
11 The glow through , er yes the paper was erm , was the same colour all the way through and er , and erm they had quite an impact , but of course they , would only last a year or two er and er they started a small factory in London and , erm call it Hula-Hoops I think er , I do n't know whether Hula-Hoops came from the lighting shades or the lighting shades from the Hula-Hoops , but it was the same process that made them both and er this was erm thin plastic tubing brightly coloured , er which was er cemented together into er
12 ‘ T was the same gallantry that prompted him to send Matilda to her most powerful supporter , instead of keeping her isolated at Arundel .
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