Example sentences of "was [Wh adv] he have [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 That was how he had got the job , even though he was another unemployed nineteen year old .
2 Charley Hoskins had been trained as a blacksmith but , like so many Saltash boys , had his heart set on the sea and it was when he had joined the Royal Navy that he met Ben Bellaser .
3 Angelica had just mentioned that Steve was mixed up in an insurance swindle , and she was afraid that was why he had missed the train .
4 Civil servants might , though in the end it was the politicians who decided , which was why he had declined the highest office with both Nato and the International Monetary Fund .
5 Dizzy knew the exact value of the people he kept , which was why he 'd given the estate management job to Diane and not to one of his regular hangers-on .
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