Example sentences of "was [that] [pron] [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mean time between failures on 3.5 ’ disk drives made by IBM Corp of 750,000 hours will have to get a lot nearer the 2m or more hours of the company 's manhole cover disks before it can entrust mainframe data to arrays of the little ones , Electronic News reports : that 's funny , we thought the whole idea of disk arrays was that one built sufficient redundancy into the array of cheap disks that no-one need worry about failures ever again .
2 Running an airline is an expensive business at the best of times , during a recession it can be a way of using up money really quite quickly , now Virgin 's particular problem was that they began this recession with relatively little in the way of capital and reserves , only about thirty six million in nineteen ninety one .
3 A recurrent criticism of historical approaches in physical geography up to the 1950s was that they had insufficient knowledge of environmental processes to fall back upon which could enhance the understanding of landscape .
4 The main weakness of these republican reforms was that they threatened fundamental change but did n't fully implement it .
5 In other words , the World Bank 's figures were bogus , but what mattered was that they provided welcome fodder to those who were already convinced of the value of Ceauşescu 's friendship and wished to promote further deals with his regime .
6 That was that we had last weekend .
7 She did n't quite , but what she did understand was that she hated this woman , and the thought momentarily came to her that that man would n't surely have been as bad as this mean-faced nun .
8 The most probable reason for this unjust behaviour by the Roman Governor was that he feared some sort of riot breaking out in the capital city during the festival .
9 The alleged motive which John did not dispute was that he committed this crime to conceal another crime being the murder of MOIR McILCHENICH widow in Ellister and we are told that the last mentioned murder of the widow was " discovered " ( probably means committed ) by him and others .
10 He was sort of evasive and fey and appeared relatively shy and my impression of him at the time was that he had little charisma , no star quality and not a lot of talent , and it came as a big surprise when he became as successful as he was .
11 One reason , no doubt , was that he had little tolerance for real pagan myths or for naïve mythicizers .
12 When Mr Stephens went out to buy more provisions for tea — though his excuse offered was that he needed some tobacco — John sat in chair on one side of the kitchen , Emily stood by the window on the other side , both on their best behaviour .
13 The second side-effect — and this is n't necessarily a criticism — was that I found this guitar absolutely unbearable to play unless it was as near perfectly in tune as possible .
14 I think her principal objection to me was that I exercised some influence over him , which was at odds with her own belief that all such influence should be exercised through her .
15 The real clincher was that it made better tea and beer than the pump muck .
16 The benefit of the system was that it demanded that society intervened for those who were under great pressure and could not take the stress .
17 Another criticism of the Leeds adjournment system was that it added further stress to socially disadvantaged people already living under stressful conditions .
18 The main point of the case was that it involved domestic property where the client would suffer ( as a private purchaser ) a relatively great loss if the report were negligent , while the risk that would have been undertaken by the surveyor , if he had accepted liability for negligence , would have been relatively low , since it was a routine survey of domestic property , and for him , as a businessman , the value of the property in question was not relatively a great amount of money .
19 One notable feature of the gold standard was that it allowed automatic adjustment to take place via changes in expenditure and output .
20 One of the good things about the school was that it overlooked open countryside , where there were usually buzzards and kestrels flying around .
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