Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [adv] by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It had been some time now since the old pilots had been in a dog-fight , and Killion for one was sweating heavily by the time he landed .
2 He was being very much the doctor , Sally-Anne noted , even through her distress , which was growing less by the minute as she regained the self-control which she had so suddenly and disastrously lost .
3 Hennessy was waiting outside by the railings .
4 She was panting hard by the time she saw the narrow white ribbon that was the road to Coton .
5 The child was sitting sadly by the window .
6 But his reminiscences , twice , thrice told , were lost on the dance-hall air as Erika walked away round the hall , affecting not to see Fritz who was standing moodily by the door , and giving a start of surprise when he asked her to dance .
7 Mr Piggott was standing morosely by the kettle waiting for it to boil .
8 The King was standing helplessly by the wall .
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