Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [prep] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus was the criminal equated with the Vietcong soldier , the only difference being that the former was struggling against capitalism on the home front .
2 She was kneeling in front of a case of fine linen which Burun had brought for her from Kinsai .
3 It was warm in the kitchen and the fire cast a soft light on Carrie who was kneeling in front of the fire , folding the blanket she had been airing .
4 Allegra leaned even further forward , tears waterfalling down her thin , pale olive face , until her head was resting on top of the string in her son 's hands .
5 Deriving his theory from Newton 's laws of angular momentum , Laplace postulated that a vast disc-shaped pall of cold gas was rotating in space in the vicinity of our present solar system .
6 The man 's body was hanging from swings in the Panton Road playground , Hoole , Chester .
7 WORRIED mum Pamela Pilbro spent three weeks searching for her 20-year-old son Philip — unaware that his decomposing body was hanging from rafters in the attic .
8 Within a year , in the summer of 1987 , Brannen was competing for Britain in the European Junior Championships .
9 Then , with great bravado , she attacked the pile of pine-needles , scooping them up between the giant clutch of her karaso and her own small hand , depositing them in another heap that she was building on top of the rope .
10 A year ago Gavin Moyle was recovering in hospital with a metal frame attached to his fractured skull .
11 Yesterday the youngster , who has not been named , was recovering in hospital from an emergency operation to save his sight .
12 Meanwhile , back at bimbo ranch , Betty says her first kiss was snogging Tom Jones on the telly while he was singing on Top Of The Pops .
13 Jotan 's wife Arkhina was reclining on cushions in a nearby alcove , and her mother , a daughter of Arjun the Great , was engaged in conversation with the widow of her cousin , who had been parent to Nogai .
14 In fact , even as he spoke , the forces for change were there and rallying : the critique of the established constitutional authorities was eating into things below the froth of party politics ; the Liberal-SDP Alliance considered that the " key to … change lies in electoral and constitutional reform " ; and Tony Benn , generally recognised as leader of the radical left in the Labour Party , was telling large and enthusiastic audiences up and down the country that " constitutional questions are the key to power in a parliamentary democracy " and that " socialists need to give at least as much attention to the institutions of the state as to the power structure of the economy " .
15 Willis was walking towards Dreadnought with the man from the boatyard , whose manner suggested that he was refusing to supply more tar , gas and water until the previous bill had been paid .
16 Elizabeth was walking with Betty behind the doctor and April , who was clinging to his arm and , as it were , daintily tripping up .
17 At a little before ten o'clock he was walking along Moorgate towards the house on stilts , smoking his pipe and thinking about Sarah .
18 As soon as Chappy played a duff match last season , Wilko could n't drop him fast enough , yet he was knocking in goals at a far better rate than Deano .
19 A new and distinctive chapter was opening in relationships between the masses , more numerous , more literate , and better organized than ever before , and middle-class organizations and agencies who were realizing more urgently than ever before that new initiatives were needed to bridge the great abyss of class .
20 Fourthly , it is obvious that the overall decline in birth rate and population growth which was occurring as part of the demographic transition to small birth and death rates was greatly exaggerated by the poor economic conditions and the unemployment of the inter-war years .
21 We walked straight to the head of the queue and helped ourselves from a huge cauldron which was steaming on top of an oven .
22 You see I mean er er and this generally , I mean ju just as when Stalin claimed to be communist , that claim has been accepted by the great majority of people writing about what was happening in Russia in the West and in just the same way the Chinese leadership er after nineteen forty nine claimed to be communist , claimed to be standing in the tradition of Marx and that claim , generally speaking , has been accepted .
23 Among its first acts in office , the new government , committed to sweeping economic reforms aimed at the introduction of a market-based economy , announced on Dec. 11 , 1989 , that Czechoslovakia was applying for membership of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and the World Bank .
24 In the mid-1960s Washington was pressing for decisions on a number of defence issues affecting Nato .
25 One of the problems being in the Gulf was keeping in touch with the reality of the situation and the actual dangers .
26 Mr Nath recently performed a life-saving operation on Romanian baby Bogdan Ursu who was dying of water on the brain .
27 The justiciar , Geoffrey FitzPeter , who had taken the cross , was absolved as he was dying in return for a 2000 marks ' subsidy for the Holy Land .
28 Sister Catherine Dunne , a nun of the Sisters of Mercy Order , who was driving towards Armagh at the time , was also killed in the explosion and her passenger , a social worker , was seriously injured .
29 After all , she was returning to competition for the first time in five years .
30 In November 1989 , Coleman reluctantly agreed to resign his commission with the Boy Scouts of America , giving as his reason that he was returning to journalism with a job in Germany .
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