Example sentences of "was [vb pp] that i [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I had to agree to do so , and it was arranged that I would go to the Taibach house the following Sunday afternoon .
2 It was arranged that I should have only a very small amount of money for the next couple of weeks That was the point : to pretend to be poverty-stricken , to see how we would manage .
3 At that point , it was accepted that I could use this material as a contribution to a Ph.D .
4 Six months in Switzerland was the first suggestion but later it was decided that I could combine business and health by making a trip to New Zealand and learning the pelt fur business from the practical source in the fell-mongeries there .
5 I was told that I would have to take a strange aircraft that night , I learnt that my aircraft had been damaged by flak — and Italian flak to boot — and one of my lads was in hiding as he claimed I had threatened him with dire punishment if he damaged my aircraft .
6 Before I ever had healing I was told that I might feel tingling or warmth , but alas , I can not truthfully say that I ever felt either , although of course , with hands laid on you , or just above you , there must be the sensation of touch .
7 When I was told that I 'd have to share a kitchen and bathroom with strangers I could n't help thinking how this would astound the people at home , how they would snort with laughter at the idea that this could really happen in England , mother of civilization .
8 At our BAIE SCOTLAND committee meeting last Friday , it was agreed that I should write and ask whether Strathclyde Police might host an evening meeting /seminar , in , say , mid-February .
9 It was agreed that I should see Owen on his home ground in order to assess his true behaviour .
10 I was promised that I could learn t I could be a nurse if I went and I went to the Bishop of Liverpool 's erm household in Liverpool .
11 This was enough to make many come , and among them they brought before me many women who pretended to be possessed ( as is their habit when they want to leave their houses to meet with their lovers ) and it was hoped that I could deal with them .
12 ‘ I was warned that I 'd miss the thing I was addicted to .
13 He regarded my attainment of ‘ full genitality ’ as the ultimate goal of his therapy and he was determined that I should enjoy a complete cure .
14 Not 10 minutes had gone by before I was asked , in a very accusing tone of voice , if I had a ticket , and on producing it was informed that I should cease and desist .
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