Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [coord] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The polished surface of the dark mahogany desk was charred and pitted beyond all redemption , the wood splintered and rough .
2 The final list was amended and typed on lavender-coloured notepaper by his political secretary Marcia Williams , who had become Lady Falkender in 1974 .
3 The CAT reporter activity was calculated and referred to that of the wild type constructions .
4 Perhaps the most convincing illustration of the power of the monarchical idea and the extent to which it was still unchallenged is the way in which almost everywhere opposition to rulers , insofar as it was formed or organized at all , tended to centre around the heir to the throne or at least some member of the royal family and to use him as a figurehead .
5 I passed a telephone box — opened the door to see if it was vandalized or smelt of sick or dog-muck — it was OK .
6 He was blindfolded and taken to Secret Police headquarters .
7 On March 28 Interior Minister Lt. Gen. Manuel Alexandre Rodrigues " Kito " was dismissed and replaced by former Deputy Defence Minister Francisco Antonio Magalhaes Paiva " Nvunda " .
8 Khieu Kanrith , editor of the weekly Kampuchea newspaper and a strong supporter of Hun Sen 's economic liberalization programme , was dismissed and replaced by another supporter of Chea Sim , Keo Prasat .
9 M was dismissed and complained of unfair dismissal .
10 James fled to France where he was banished and lived until 1700 .
11 It was significant then that F.J. Osborn 's New towns after the war , first published in 1918 , was revised and reissued in 1942 with little amendment .
12 The ore/gangue mixture was cobbed or spalled by young women seated at anvils , holding the piece in one hand and beating it with a hammer .
13 The shop stocked un-Irish books also , and even the smallest volume was treated and presented with greater care than has ever been known in the bookworm paradises of Charing Cross Road or Hay-on-Wye .
14 In 1889 , a Mission Church was given and erected in Upper Halling by Lieut.
15 It will prevent councils from selling open space for commercial gain if the land was given or bequeathed to local people for sport or recreation .
16 Andrea Palladio ( 1518–1580 ) the Italian architect , was revered and studied by English architects , who built adaptations of Italian palaces in England , but by the end of the century it was the Adam brothers who were having the greatest influence .
17 The track in Tamworth Road , to be shared with the Sutton route , was completed and inspected on 9 October enabling cars from Tooting & Mitcham to reach their ultimate terminus opposite West Croydon Station .
18 Largely at Mr Shillington 's expense , the unfinished church was completed and opened for public worship in 1802 .
19 A number of churches here survived the Turkish occupation , but were lost in the nineteenth century when the capital of the newly independent Greece was re-organised and planned on broad lines .
20 Analysis of bloodstream stage transformants , produced by transmission through the vector Glossina , showed that the resistance gene was conserved and expressed in these forms in the absence of selective drug pressure .
21 It was in fact Jean-Eugène Leons of the Worms Corporation who was fined and sentenced in this way .
22 It was another year before Camerini was caught and jailed for 21 years .
23 Originally a single large volume , the Book of Kells was repaired and re-bound in 1953 in four volumes .
24 A full skirt of crimson and black swelled over her hips and was lifted and pinned at one side to reveal a cascade of lacy petticoats .
25 Initially track was lifted and transported from redundant industrial sidings in St. Helens , and , in later years from sites at Port Sunlight and Preston .
26 It was designed and constructed by one of the new generation of civil engineers , M. Lang , in a form that presages early Victorian railway architecture , which at that time had not yet appeared .
27 The research was designed and conducted with this particular group of women in mind .
28 During the visit Venkataraman inaugurated the 336 MW Chhukha hydroelectric project in Bhutan which was designed and built with full Indian technical and financial assistance and which would export 85 per cent of its power to India .
29 requiring travel through the town centre , the town centre that was designed and built for horse-drawn traffic .
30 And when I say old , that was designed and developed in nineteen thirty five in the States .
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