Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 It was furnished in a style which was new to the tall boy .
2 Lydia was clad in an outfit which like many very beautiful things stopped just short of being ridiculous , hovering on the brink of parody .
3 Limping down that glossy road , the yellow brick road to my fantasy land of the past , I was consumed with an expectation which would have been delightful save for the physical effect of breathlessness .
4 Half a mile along the road , however , I was diverted by a nature-trail which wound up the side of a hill and promised a fine view .
5 As the Prime Minister reproached Mr Nigel Lawson for resigning the Chancellorship ‘ with such suddenness and haste ’ — and over personality not policy — her isolation was highlighted by the ex-minister whose enforced resignation in the Westland affair of 1986 is being likened by disaffected MPs to the recent sacrifice of Mr Lawson .
6 The nearest precedent — which dates from the 30s — involved an incident of non-consensual heterosexual spanking in which only academic consideration was given to the effect which consent might have had .
7 The command was given in a voice which did not rise above a whisper .
8 Irrespective of the circumstances of their composition , the Anglo-Norman fabliaux were transmitted , eventually , and preserved for posterity because the fabliau was recognized as a genre which had its place in the full range of new and recent vernacular literary production in England .
9 The cat was placed on a platform which went
10 A greater burden was placed on the rates which could only be met either by cuts in services or increases in rate demands .
11 In a typical seventeenth-century image , the world was likened to a watch whose face is presented to our five senses but whose real workings are governed by springs and wheels , hidden from sight behind the back .
12 The Minister of Fun was likened to an ostrich which buried its head in the sand ‘ thereby exposing its thinking parts . ’
13 The involvement of the mujaheddin as part of the multinational force engaged in the Gulf war was criticized by the government which in February 1991 declared that military action in the Gulf had exceeded the mandate of UN Resolution 678 .
14 Chemistry was regarded as a subject which was not fundamental ; the issues it examines are not fundamental to the universe in the way that the issues of physics are ; in this the views of the students can be seen to coincide with the views of Dr L , who said that ‘ all of chemistry is becoming explicable in terms of quantum theory ’ .
15 Strong words which no one would contradict with confidence , even if despair was regarded as an emotion which should never be admitted .
16 Local businesses responded generously to an appeal from School , and a generous grant was received from a fund which had been set up by leading industrialists to help Independent Schools to provide buildings and equipment for Scientific teaching and research .
17 Eliot was fascinated by the idea which Cornford had put forward ‘ in ‘ The Origin of Attic Comedy ’ , [ that ] this [ medicine-man ] Doctor may be identical with the Doctor who is called in to assist Punch after he has been thrown by his horse' .
18 He was fascinated by the corset which gave her a youthful figure and set about reproducing it.In 1968 , they invented the Wonderbra which has been a best-seller for more than 20 years .
19 The Yak–7 was developed into the Yak–9 which was by far the most significant fighter on all Soviet fronts and by 1944 outnumbered all other types combined .
20 Substantial encouragement for the computerisation process in the primary care sector was developed by the scheme which my hon. Friend the Member for Honiton criticised .
21 The first fortnight was plagued by a stiffness which undermined any sense of confidence .
22 On Nov. 7 , 1989 , the truce was broken by the FLNC which claimed responsibility for the bombing of two buildings under construction in Santa Lucia di Porto Vecchio in the north of the island .
23 Le-eyo was distinguished by an error which mankind has been trying to right ever since .
24 This was distinguished from a card which merely had written or printed material on it , intended to convey information to the human eye or mind , and not meant to be ancillary to some machine by being specially shaped for that purpose .
25 The high-performance team idea was explained through a programme which again relied on key personalities , regular meetings and frequent use of the language of the approach — such as ‘ flexible working ’ , ‘ product ownership ’ and ‘ front to back responsibility ’ .
26 ‘ It was hidden behind a map which he held open right behind our heads . ’
27 In the late twenties I was attracted to an article which appeared in the Scout Magazine written by the Chief Scout , Lord Baden-Powell , about Halton and the Trenchard Experiment .
28 She was blamed for a crash which killed bride-to-be Teresa Power , 26 .
29 Many appear to be infected by the phocine distemper virus , which was blamed for the epidemic which afflicted dolphins in the North Sea in 1988 .
30 His cheek-bones were prominent and the paleness of the skin stretched over them was accentuated by the darkness which ran like a stain round his eyes .
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