Example sentences of "was [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The letter was over the top ; there was never an elaborate pro-Smith conspiracy , although the possibility of his replacing Kinnock was discreetly canvassed at one time .
2 CNC machine tool manufacturers have often promoted their products with the claim that they can be operated by unskilled operators , and it was widely believed for some time that engineering companies were taking the opportunity given by the introduction of CNC machine tools to replace skilled craft workers by unskilled or semi-skilled operators on the shop-floor , and putting white-collared technicians in the programming office .
3 It is questionable whether the spaying of cows was widely practised at that time , but it is well known that London dairymen were only interested in a continuous milk supply .
4 Little is known of his early life except for his recollection that at the age of nine or ten he ‘ did so offend the Lord that He did scare and terrify me with dreadful visions ’ , and that he was greatly afflicted at that time with thoughts of the Day of Judgement .
5 The likelihood is that had the matter come before the courts in the nineteenth century , they would have held that the mistake had to be reasonable , for it was generally considered at that time that mistake was a defence which would excuse a defendant from liability only where it was based on reasonable grounds .
6 A child was fatally injured at some time between noon and 8.30 pm .
7 The gaping division between the settled , Christian , treaty Nez Perce , and the ‘ heathen ’ , non-treaty faction was further widened at this time by the appearance of the Dreamer religion , introduced by a hunch-backed Wanapum holy man named Smohalla .
8 I must have said something about being in reasonably , good health despite a rather dismal daily round of commuting to Charing Cross and a crawl by bus up the King 's Road to the appropriately named World 's End pub , but that I was more tormented at that time with a clash of affections with two young ladies .
9 The face was probably polished at some time , the reverse is rougher but beaten rather than cast .
10 I seem to recall that a gentleman called T. Dan Smith was also involved at that time and that he was not a Conservative .
11 St. Martin 's was rebuilt over twenty years after the sack , which implies there was no extensive damage to its structure , and although All Saints ' was also rebuilt at this time , a great deal of its thirteenth-century architecture survived .
12 The Northern People 's Congress ( NPC ) led by a schoolteacher , Tafawa Balewa , and backed by the northern Emirates , was also founded at this time , early enough to fight elections held in 1952 .
13 Cautioning was originally intended for first time young offenders and those , like this man , guilty of a minor crime .
14 The price to be paid for the sub-licences was either agreed at that time or subsequently by letter or telex and the sub-licence was then prepared in Hong Kong and sent to the customer for signature .
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