Example sentences of "was [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Drawing on support from leading Party members , such as Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang and his popular appeal among the people , Deng was eventually formally restored to his government posts in July 1977 .
2 could not have been happier , both personally and in creating an atmosphere conducive to his work … the domestic ideal that is evident in his writings ( the family being his favourite subject of study and lecturing ) was most clearly represented by his own home life … his wife created for him the respectable and quiet familial existence which he considered the best guarantee of morality and of life .
3 There seemed little else that he could do , but it was so far removed from his own branch of medicine , so alien to anything he could have foreseen happening to Celia .
4 The summer sun , to which he was so often exposed during his many sporting pursuits , had accentuated his freckles .
5 After all , as he wrote in his diary : ‘ Muhammed bin Tughluk was especially well known in his generosity to foreigners for he preferred them to the peoples of India .
6 The Sheikh was only just getting into his stride .
7 Dulé was only lightly armed in his boat : his task was different , for his skills at diving fitted him to a particular duty .
8 Though he was apparently deeply affected by his visits to hospitals , Pétain refused to allow squeamishness to deter him from his duty .
9 He was not a tall man and was soon almost dwarfed by his five lively , wryly humorous sons , who avoided him as far as possible and could not leave home soon enough .
10 He was thus well fitted for his long stint as justiciar of Ireland ( 1245–56 ) , where he had private interests through the dower of his wife , Isabel ( daughter of Hugh Bigod , third Earl of Norfolk ) , who was the widow of Gilbert de Lacy of Meath .
11 Roger Fenton was immensely well known in his time for his landscapes and still lifes .
12 Roger Fenton was immensely well known in his time for his landscapes and still lifes .
13 Birkenhead , who had written after the victory of 1924 of ‘ the tragedy that so great an Army should have so uninspiring a Commander in Chief ’ and was usually more sparing with his admiration than with his criticism , allowed some balancing increase of his own regard for Baldwin to occur .
14 Drew once again took the stand , and he was once again questioned about his movements on 22 June .
15 Perhaps he was contemplating his own life with Vivien here just as , when he connected McKnight Kauffer 's death with a sense of " the void " , he was once again returning to his own feeling of emptiness which had played so large a part in his religious conversion .
16 Jenna asked mischievously , and he lifted her up until she was once again wrapped in his arms .
17 The change in Vlasov 's political fortunes was once again reflected in his personal life , as he formed an attachment with a young German widow which was to result in their marriage in April 1945 .
18 He had closed his eyes again and was once more listening to his voices .
19 Wexford , who was hardly ever shaken from his equilibrium by the devious excesses of criminals , was perpetually astonished by his own daughter .
20 He was still too attached to his national status to risk it by appearing partisan .
21 For a few seconds she was transfixed by the speed of his action and the total unexpectedness of his assault plus a shocked awareness that she was more mentally revolted by his action than she was physically .
22 RONALD EYRE , who has died aged 62 , was an accomplished stage , television and opera director , though he was probably best known for his investigation of religious themes .
23 The owner , Professor Wotherspoon , although a self-avowed traditionalist , was also strongly attached to his creature comforts .
24 Hanger was also well supported by his lead , Ray Gaskins who vied in drawing to the jack with his opposite number , new international Palmer .
25 Tom Poole , who had nursed his father devotedly at the end , was in low spirits , but was as instantly captivated by his visitor as he had been at their first meeting .
26 He still managed to get up the stairs in the pavilion to help launch Berkshire 's new sponsorship , but then perhaps he thought that the name of the sponsors — the Head Partnership — was far enough removed from his own problems to be of no concern .
27 Her father was now so sunk in his illness , so delirious , that he was barely conscious .
28 Daniel Omara Atubu was reportedly badly beaten after his arrest and showed physical signs of ill-treatment when he appeared in court .
29 Hitler , however , was unmoved for he was then fully occupied with his plans to invade the British Isles .
30 I THINK Costello makes too many records for his own good , but here , he found a vein of country and swing which was peculiarly well suited to his wordplay and visual imagery .
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