Example sentences of "was [adv] [adj] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Working on so small a piece of basic material , it was remarkably difficult to be sure we had correctly identified the genes .
2 The clientele made a perfect captive audience and in the early autumn of Paula 's second year at the store the management decided to bring in models to show the new season 's fashions at the times when the restaurant was most likely to be full of ladies who had accounts with Jenkinsons and cheque books in their capacious handbags .
3 What was needed however was a concrete demonstration of support by the British government , and this was most unlikely to be forthcoming , no matter how much the Queen might personally have hoped for it .
4 If you got into a punch-up in the office , that was the zeitgeist , it was kinda mandatory to be incapable and falling over .
5 It was so wonderful to be able to make love without contraception . ’
6 As she said , for someone who was so lonely to be able to come to the studio at five o'clock every morning — picked up in a studio car , Ken had decided long ago he would never drive — and then play a very strong character , was worthy of that respect too .
7 The notion was sufficiently vague to be easy to understand and difficult to disprove .
8 He was sufficiently well-informed to be able to declare that it was a scandal that the town lacked any kind of orchestra , whereas Clara would have taken the lack of it as a simple act of God .
9 The landlord of the Dore 's Lodge ale-house was less eager to be helpful than Charlie Smith had been .
10 There was some indication , too , that the child who was showing signs of a helpless approach to life and one or more symptoms of childhood disturbance ( truanting , bedwetting , stealing , fearfulness and so on ) as well as experiencing a lack of care was especially likely to be depressed in adulthood ( Harris et al. , 1987c ) .
11 I dread to think who Uncle Joe had transferred his twisted ‘ affections ’ to , but at the time , I was just relieved to be free of his attentions .
12 The island was my home now , not my prison , and I was just happy to be alive .
13 At work there is a great deal of empiricism — sometimes it becomes almost a mystique , as in the steel-making process where the head melter was once supposed to be able to tell whether the melt was ‘ done ’ by spitting into it .
14 As they were about to go inside — for although it was a pleasant summer day , it was always likely to be windy on top , and their hats might blow away — Florrie exclaimed in sudden panic : ‘ Oh , good gracious !
15 But what was good enough for the Kybergs was hardly likely to be good enough for the Habsburgs , so they built a second wall , only a few yards away .
16 He knew when he was beaten , but it was clear to his wife that he was still reluctant to be obliged to his brother-in-law .
17 Where the ‘ boss ’ tended to be autocratic or paternalistic/maternalistic , the ‘ managing director ’ was more likely to be bureaucratic , delegating specialist roles and responsibilities and instituting formal procedures for decision-making .
18 In some cases , Church authorities have proceeded in this way because they felt that permission was more likely to be forthcoming .
19 Nowadays it was almost fashionable , not least because an older man was more likely to be wealthy and successful .
20 She was also inclined to be bossy .
21 Bowie was also supposed to be involved in the score for the film — but eight weeks from its world première in London on Boxing Day , December 26 , 1989 , distributors Warner Brothers were as confused as those working on the film .
22 To obtain a mortgage in the 1970s , it was often necessary to be able to pay a 10% or 20% deposit on the house .
23 It must be admitted that Château Meloch was a great deal better some years than others , and although it was often possible to be amused by its presumption , it was equally likely to be pronounced fit only for cooking — and on one occasion its only possible use was as a substitute for vinegar .
24 ‘ You know that is n't true , ’ Harry reproached her , although his heart was beating with excitement at the thought that Madeleine was as anxious to be alone with him as he with her .
25 Until last month , Kenyon was music critic of the Observer , in which role he was as ready to be critical of his new paymaster as any other critic .
26 It was now necessary to be able to detect adulterants , and in October 1842 a laboratory ( the ancestor of the later Laboratory of the Government Chemist ) was set up at the excise department headquarters in Broad Street , London , staffed solely by George Phillips .
27 The rightmost shape was equally likely to be symmetrical or asymmetrical , and to be red ( 4.3ftL ) or green ( 3.8ftL ) .
28 We felt less cut off from society as a whole and I was particularly pleased to be able to listen to good music on a regular basis .
29 She was particularly unlucky to be alone , for she had first married at 18 , but after losing a child had been left a childless widow at 25 .
30 Finally , the requirement that a bystander should be terrified was qualified where the offence occurred in public , so that it was not necessary to prove either that a bystander was actually terrified , or even present , or even that a bystander was even likely to be present .
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