Example sentences of "was [adv] [art] [adj] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The impact was all the greater because for nearly two decades industry had benefited from particularly favourable terms of trade for raw materials and food which , in various ways , had moderated production costs and wage demands .
2 The war was also a business in which it was apparently no easier than in peace to obtain just treatment for seaman , whatever hardships they might be suffering .
3 In a way , the pattern of her life was much the same as during the years following her mother 's death : she ate alone and as soon as she heard her father 's key in the door she went upstairs to her room .
4 At the next attempt , Odom excluded and when Cheshire had to take on the two Newcastle riders on his own , the result was just the same as in the initial race .
5 After many X-rays and various examinations no one was any the wiser as to why I still had the pain .
6 This was because the £3 3s. 0d. subscription was still the same as in 1907 not having been increased , making the return on the bond if taken as golf still only around the 3% level , clearly the capital could earn better interest elsewhere .
7 In 1985 their consumption was roughly the same as in 1973 , even though real GNP had increased by a third .
8 As a result with good control of working capital , our cash flow overall was virtually the same as in the previous year in spite of the significant profit collapse and although there may be some further redundancies this year , I do n't expect them to be in any way on the same scale as during nineteen ninety two and the important thing is that we now have costs in line with the lower level of revenue as we look into nineteen ninety three .
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