Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [adv prt] by a " in BNC.

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1 She was badly let down by a married man — Irish , I think . ’
2 Their brand of blues-tinged metal was eagerly lapped up by a capacity Stadium crowd for the Crowes ’ second Irish performance .
3 Generosity , however , was not an emotion that could be found in many Palestinian hearts in Lebanon , and the hatred that burned in 1948 was eagerly taken up by a new generation .
4 Happily , the stories live on , such as the visiting sportsman who , when boasting about his prowess with the gun , was easily put down by a local crofter : ‘ Man , that is nothing .
5 A Prieto premiership was nevertheless ruled out by a Socialist leadership within which Largo Caballero and the ‘ bolshevizers ’ were dominant .
6 The merger ‘ scramble ’ of l959–61 was largely sparked off by a bid by well-known takeover specialist Charles Clore for Watney Mann .
7 Daily operation was usually carried out by a miller who , like a number of other employees , was actually paid a salary and granted a number of other privileges .
8 Legend has it that it was once fired on by a warship because it failed to reply to a signal !
9 They should be reminded that the major investors coming into Ogwr borough , and Bridgend in particular , were Ford of Bridgend , which was brought in under Jim Callaghan 's Labour Government , and the Japanese company , Sony , which was also brought in by a Labour Government .
10 Maybe he 's annoyed because he ca n't quite figure what all this has to do with what the programme describes as ‘ the cyberspace experience ’ , maybe it 's because a minute ago he was nearly run over by a 30-foot-high mutoid metal minotaur , but he looks about ready to chin someone .
11 And then he was partly taken over by a piece he neither intended nor wanted to write and which preoccupied him obsessively , the dramatisation of the dispute , in the Yellow House in Arles , between Paul Gauguin and Vincent Van Gogh .
12 About a month ago he was severely beaten up by a gang of white boys on the way back from school .
13 Vice-President Itamar Franco , who had been acting President since Collor 's suspension in September , was immediately sworn in by a joint session of the Congress as President for the remaining two years of the five-year presidential term .
14 This was immediately whipped off by a waiting attendant who then passed it along a table for it to be boxed up and returned to me in the ante room .
15 Between 1873 and 1878 , for example , the hesitant growth of American trade unionism was dramatically set back by a 5-year economic depression .
16 However it was then pointed out by a biologist that tiny movements by the plant could explain these variations .
17 The order was then carried out by a seaman , and an seven survivors were killed .
18 He was then taken in by a Lutheran pastor in Lobetal north of Berlin but moved to a government guest house in late March because of local opposition to his presence .
19 There are no new names in the team … for the opening game … leading the pack is John Hawker who 's career was almost killed off by a serious neck injury
20 A woman ran from one of the houses on the northern bank and was almost knocked down by a clattering troop of Dragoons .
21 William Plumpton , cultivating Gloucester and his retainer John Pilkington in the hope of bringing pressure to bear on Northumberland over a Knaresborough office , was firmly warned off by a more sophisticated associate .
22 William Plumpton , cultivating Gloucester and his retainer John Pilkington in the hope of bringing pressure to bear on Northumberland over a Knaresborough office , was firmly warned off by a more sophisticated associate .
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