Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The parcel was duly delivered safely to Chanak by Smyth-Piggott flying a Sopwith Camel .
2 I could only suppose that the collapse of space-time in my own day was slowly spreading outwards from source , like a bloodstain oozing across an old sheet , threatening many deep-seated continuities .
3 This was forcibly brought home to Churchill at the first of the conferences attended by Stalin as well as Roosevelt .
4 The existence of the military frontier , which was eventually extended eastward to Transylvania , did not save Croatia-Slavonia and Hungary from Turkish occupation .
5 Lorentz in 1892 , and was eventually detected experimentally by J.J. Thomson and others later that decade .
6 The position of the tubes was fluoroscopically checked frequently during infusion .
7 The government published its White Paper on the Environment on Sept. 25 , 1990 but it was widely criticized both by politicians and by environmentalists as merely reiterating measures already incorporated into the Environmental Protection Bill which was going through parliament and was enacted on Nov. 1 , 1990 .
8 The pretty Swiss Trainer ( Daetwyler ) MD3-16- was widely demonstrated here after Farnborough .
9 Shaw spent most of his time on organization and records ; he was rarely involved directly in inquiries but he had been a first-class man on the ground .
10 he was so carried away with Newley that I believe quite unconsciously , Newley crept into Bowie 's voice and , as you know , he 's been accused of copying Tony Newley , but I do n't think he was really aware of what he was doing at that time .
11 In Noumea , capital of New Caledonia , the decision was warmly welcomed yesterday by delegates to a meeting of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme .
12 Just after replacing the injured Danny Wallace in the 37th minute , Robson met a cross from 18-year-old Ryan Giggs but his fierce shot from 14 yards was brilliantly turned away by Podshivalov .
13 Was only beaten once by Tilson and given the game Tillo was having that is no mean feat .
14 Furthermore , they doubted whether the new , austere Protestant beliefs had in fact appealed to the laity , suggesting instead that Protestantism proved highly unpopular and was only imposed on the English people through force , by means of a government-sponsored process which met with great difficulties , and was only completed late in Elizabeth I 's reign .
15 The directive had been unpublicized , and was only confirmed officially on Jan. 25 after the news had been leaked by the independent Interfax news agency ( which was now operating with the support of the Russian Federation government and Moscow city council after Gosteleradio had withdrawn its support in January — see p. 37972 ) .
16 And er , er , an an and as I say I had , like , this was only coming home from school like , you know .
17 Having reached an ebb of spirits comparable to that which , a year before , had followed his breach with Southey , Coleridge was suddenly filled again with hopes and plans , and at the beginning of November wrote to Tom Poole with a sense of joyful liberation :
18 The bomb was apparently addressed originally to Dirk Coetzee , a South African former police captain then living in Lusaka , Zambia .
19 When the spirit flags , the body follows , and Jack Stone was literally draining away with despair and fear .
20 This was the main difference between Feuerbach and the more radical Karl Marx , whose early thought was much affected both by Feuerbach and by the more militantly atheistic Hegelian Bruno Bauer .
21 It was soon hit again by gunfire and the long-range tank in the fuselage caught fire .
22 He started painting professionally from an early age , and was soon contributing regularly to publications such as Punch , Illustrated London News and the Graphic newspaper .
23 Rivers in great cities became foul partly as a result of the beneficent introduction of the water-closet ; for diluted sewage was thus discharged straight into rivers , whereas before it had been collected as ‘ night-soil ’ in concentrated form from privies and used on the land .
24 A day was thus taken away from February and transferred to August .
25 The bass player was finally flown home from Milan , however The Cure opted to continue their European dates with temporary replacement Shellyan Orphan bass player Roberto Soave .
26 The Lift was finally coming apart in curlicues of alien material and clouds of human-made debris .
27 These were Allen 's and Marian 's guesses as to what had gone on in the darkness but the rest of the story of those two hours before dawn was easily pieced together from Tom All Alone 's account .
28 We might add that , though property from land or , more commonly , from urban real-estate , remained an important source of bourgeois income , especially among the middle and lower bourgeoisie in areas of lagging industrialisation , it was already diminishing somewhat in importance .
29 Indeed , according to Hamnett and Williams ( 1980 ) , gentrification or ‘ Chelseafication ’ was already proceeding rapidly in London during the 1970s — to the extent that the proportion of professional , managerial and intermediate non-manual workers in Inner London 's population increased by the same amount as for Greater London as a whole ( Hamnett , 1986 ) .
30 The Crown relied very much upon borrowing and was already sliding deep into debt .
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