Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [prep] all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The indenture was duly signed by all parties and witnessed by Edward W. Humberstone of Leather Lane , Holborn .
2 It was strange that a man of considerable intellect could give so much attention and attribute such importance to a press which was wholly influenced at all times by political considerations .
3 As all Iraqis know , Saddam himself is Sunni , despite his claim to descent from Ali ; and the putative victory over Iran was presumably won by all Iraqis , Shia and Sunni alike .
4 Isabel 's head came up like a wary animal scenting the air , but her face was swiftly wiped of all expression .
5 The right hon. Gentleman gave his usual vintage performance , with many justified facts and views , and it was warmly received in all parts of the House , not only for its humour but for some of his more sombre comments about the present ominous geophysical appearance of Europe .
6 I was warmly welcomed in all cases and an enthusiastic and positive attitude prevailed although mixed with understandable anxiety concerning the radical changes proposed .
7 Now she was suddenly drained of all energy , as though spent by the effort .
8 The statement , ‘ Venus , as viewed from earth , does not change size appreciably during the course of the year ’ , was generally accepted by all astronomers , both Copernicans and non-Copernicans , on the basis of those observations .
9 RUGBY UNION : Auckland hooker Sean Fitzpatrick was yesterday named as All Blacks captain in a squad containing 10 newcomers for three matches against a World XV this month .
10 AN animal rights activist who hurled a smoke bomb across the counter of a burger bar was yesterday banned from all McDonald 's restaurants .
11 Her Excellency , Mary Robinson , President of Ireland opened the Conference and was enthusiastically welcomed by all Delegates .
12 Voting was also held for all State Assembly seats in Haryana and West Bengal and for a number of State Assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh .
13 Production was severely disrupted in all departments during the afternoon as the shop stewards spread the message .
14 Little wonder then that the Forest system was heartily detested by all classes of the king 's subjects , and that from the twelfth century onward a bitter and determined struggle was carried on between Crown and people for its abolition .
15 The changes also applied to elections to municipal and county councils so that the electorate was now composed of all ratepayers , excluding recipients of poor relief .
16 Even though the task — one that involved pedalling on a stationary bicycle — was equally demanding at all times , it was felt by the volunteers to be most difficult to achieve in the middle of the night .
17 I was here to win at all costs and did so in rather fine style . ’
18 An inflation volume of 100 ml was well tolerated by all subjects .
19 The yacht tracked accurately and was well balanced on all points .
20 Aquitaine was then surrounded on all sides ( except the sea coast ) by fiefs which stood in a more immediate relationship to the Capetians than ever before .
21 Computed tomography of the gall bladder was initially done on all patients but latterly , only patients who were being considered for extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ( patients with one to three gall stones which were less than 3 cm in diameter ) were scanned to determine stone density ( calcification ) .
22 At the same time the level of grant was steadily reduced for all authorities until it was below 50 per cent of local costs .
23 When their eyes became used to the gloom they could see the hut was tidily arranged with all manner of traps and tools .
24 The treatment was satisfactorily performed in all patients despite some difficulties in reaching the lesion in 20% of them .
25 A standard anaesthetic regimen , using isoflurane , was therefore used in all patients in order to standardise and minimise any potential effect of anaesthetic drugs on liver protein synthesis .
26 Birth weight adjusted for gestational age was significantly associated with all lung function measurements , except FEF 2 5 — 7 5 .
27 A questionnaire was recently sent to all students and trainees , asking for their views on the qualifications .
28 Replies are coming in to the questionnaire on VDU use which was recently issued to all staff .
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