Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A Fish Association was duly set up under the chairmanship of the Duke of Kent .
2 The judicial commission of inquiry , announced by the Prime Minister , Vere Bird Sr , on April 25 , was duly set up under the chairmanship of a British QC , Louis Blom-Cooper .
3 Above our heads a huge drum of paper , some twenty feet wide , was slowly tracking along on a conveyor .
4 The old Whig platform for constitutional reform was slowly taken up by the London Tories , with the result that by the last years of Anne 's reign they had largely absorbed their opponents ' former libertarian rhetoric .
5 Bodie glanced at the wreck of the Stones ' car as it was slowly winched back across the pavement by the police breakdown truck .
6 The car was slowly winched out of the water so that forensic experts could begin their work with the minimum of disturbance .
7 Its blood , streaming upon the glass , was slowly set aside by the windscreen wipers .
8 The child 's face remained frozen at the window and was slowly carried sideways down the wooden platform .
9 The product was discreetly set out towards the back with the label half turned away .
10 It was mostly built early in the nineteenth century with a tall fair spire topped by a ship .
11 My subject of frost covered trees and hedgerows involved little colour and was mostly worked up in a sequence of colour tinted greys bearing reference numbers in the 800s .
12 Cutting was mostly carried out with a scythe although a few were able to hire machinery for the purpose .
13 Opposition critics claimed that since the practice of making people " disappear " was mostly carried out by the military , the new law effectively granted it immunity from future prosecution and the power to abduct anyone with impunity .
14 I said I was rather tied up at the school over most week-ends ; though the half-term holiday was the week-end after next and I might just be in Athens then — but I could n't be sure .
15 Grandfather 's principal interest was to hear the one who played the piano but when he got there he was rather taken up with the violinist .
16 It was eventually swallowed up by the expanding city .
17 Although it was eventually pushed out of the company 's programmes by the success of Pineapple Poll , another comedy in which John developed further the idea of sailors getting their come-uppance , Tritsch Tratsch has never lost its popularity as a number suitable for galas and concert programmes .
18 It was offered for sale at £13,500 , but was eventually leased away as a small factory , which it remains .
19 And , yes , I saw the incident at Southampton , where Mark Nicholas was eventually given out to a disputed close catch and then brought back to the crease .
20 The cause was eventually tracked down to a previously unknown bacterium , given the name Legionella pneumophila .
21 In more recent times the village was part of Lord Burlington 's estate at Londesborough , and was eventually sold off at the beginning of this century .
22 Christopher Addison was unpopular because of his advanced social policy and he was eventually driven out by the Unionists .
23 He was eventually put ashore on the island of Emira where he had to live for six days on coconuts before being rescued and brought to Sydney , Australia .
24 Numerous operations were performed , until , as Charlie says , ‘ I was eventually shipped back to the States on the Queen Mary and was so happy to see the Statue of Liberty again .
25 This division of the sky was eventually carried over to the division of the circle and so led to our present habit of dividing the complete ( two-dimensional ) angle around a point into 360 degrees .
26 After intense lobbying , the pressure of opposition was eventually brought home to the London Dumping Convention .
27 Three particular ‘ Snoddyisms ’ stand out : ( 1 ) Roy Allen was blatantly pulled back by the arm inside the penalty area as he ran to meet a corner — ‘ play on ’ was the decision .
28 More bad luck was to follow a minute later ; Steve Jenkins hit a cross shot which Spencer Creedon parried across the six yard box , Kenny Clark followed up and desperately slid in but was denied by the post , and in doing so , dislocated his finger , but was luckily allowed back into the action within minutes following treatment .
29 This was effectively carried through by the strong Liberal government elected in 1906 in the Trade Disputes Act of that year .
30 The ( nominally left-wing ) Sinhala guerrilla Janatha Vimukti Peramuna ( JVP — People 's Liberation Front ) was effectively wiped out as a serious threat by ruthless army action in southern areas in late 1989 and early 1990 [ see pp. 37042 ; 37353 ] .
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