Example sentences of "was [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The 72,000 crowd were told it was off five minutes before he was due on stage .
2 ‘ Our original proposal was for 840 acres but we 're now going to file an amended proposal for 750 acres , ’ he said .
3 It was for these qualities that he was so widely and profoundly respected and liked by the many many people whose love and sympathy will I am sure prove to you now an enormous uplift and support .
4 It was for these reasons that I was unable to accept any of the submissions advanced on behalf of the applicant , and that I therefore concluded , in agreement with the other members of the Appellate Committee , that the appeal should be allowed .
5 There has always been a vigorous tradition of English studies in adult education , and indeed it was through such classes that I was myself able to become a mature student in the early 1950s .
6 This was the closest he would come to that association of the best " minds " sharing certain fundamental ideals which had been a preoccupation of his since the early Twenties ; and indeed it was through such encounters that he began to formulate the ideas which he was to express in The Idea of a Christian Society and Notes Towards The Definition of Culture .
7 Insecurity , hunger , constant vilification and injustice were their lot , and it was as exhausted escapees that they made their way from Europe via Liverpool to Halifax ( then the most important port on the Atlantic coast ) , before finally settling in Montreal .
8 so , I mean , one school turned out to be an old factory and it was of six floors and it had one of these like industrial lifts , you know , the open caged lifts
9 It was adjacent to Saint Cloud , but it was of manageable proportions and it had great romantic charm .
10 I , I erm , I was off the west co er on a holiday to the west coast of Ireland and we erm we 're driving down the west coast and there was like some rocks and everything about , so we stopped and , you know , I looked by a rock pools or something , and there 's this and the rock pool is like mini-swimming baths , they were , you know , probably
11 It was near twenty years since he had been here , and he had never , to his knowledge , so much as set eyes on any member of the surviving household .
12 I have to admit that , in the early days , it was with mixed feelings that I intervened — suggesting , for example , that life preparation students really ought to take their turn the same as anyone else .
13 After the official closure it was with mixed emotions that we took our leave of Wadeville .
14 There was little to repel a European , yet it was with wide eyes that I saw a ‘ Trans-World Tours ’ motor coach taking its pale-skinned passengers through the town .
15 It was with these thoughts that I returned alone to the cottage .
16 Many passengers transferred from the Sophocles , I amongst them , and after much anxiety the Nestor actually sailed and it was with happy hearts that we saw Table Mountain gradually disappearing behind the horizon .
17 She was in good spirits when I left .
18 Actually , I did n't go to the hairdresser once during the five months I was in Private Lives and my hair became healthier from not being subjected to heated rollers or setting lotion .
19 It was in these essays that he pronounced Attic tragedy , and especially the tragedy of Aeschylus , to be the complete form of art , the original Gesamtkunstwerk whose spirit must be recreated in a German context .
20 I replied that I had not done so-that I was happy in the Foreign Office , and in the House of Lords which I had never contemplated leaving , and that it was in these fields that my strong preferences lay .
21 Of these the most conservative was Porta , who as late as 1578 could publish an old-fashioned cantus firmus Mass on the Josquin subject ‘ La sol fa re mi ’ and who corresponded with Carlo Borromeo ; on the other hand , his Magnificat for the Franciscan Chapter at Bologna was in 24 parts and we know that he frequently employed trombones , cornetts , violins , and portative organs as well as the large ones at San Antonio , Padua , where he spent the last six years of his life .
22 Although , like the other papers in the group , it had an African editor and staff , final editorial control was in white hands and there was usually close white supervision .
23 It was from those situations that he was likely to salvage something and draw Leonard into a fight .
24 It was from these informants that he pieced together a picture of organised crime as being controlled by key personnel in the police force , local government , business and the legal profession .
25 However , it was on financial policies that he chose to oppose his senior colleague , the lord treasurer Thomas Osborne , first Earl of Danby [ q.v. ] , and in May 1676 he was dismissed , losing his pension in 1678 and his place in the council in 1679 .
26 He also talked in Morocco to Barbara Walters of ABC news , Walters was among those Western journalists with whom the Shah was on good terms and who could expect exclusive interviews when they came to Teheran , as well as personal attention from the Iranian ambassador in their won countries .
27 She was on domestic routes and we often met up , like in Seville .
28 The only exception to this procedure was on those days that we went to a service in the church .
29 He wanted to do more than just look ; it was at such times that he felt the urge to paint .
30 That was by that was by normal recruits but it still happens it , actually the the bullying goes down the line .
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