Example sentences of "was [noun sg] for the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless the Spanish translation of Rousseau 's Social Contract could appeal to a ‘ son of Padilla ’ ; it was enthusiasm for the parliamentary institutions of medieval Spain which allowed the Cortes of Cadiz to present a constitution , founded on the constitutions of Revolutionary France , as the culmination of the ‘ true ’ constitutional development of Spain .
2 The weather was kind for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Henley Golf Club which were held last weekend and large numbers of members and friends attended and were very appreciative of the arrangements which had been made .
3 For while Hartnell was couture for the older royals , its demise followed the shocking news that the higher-profile Edina Ronay house , which counts Princess Diana and the Duchess of York among its customers , is in serious trouble .
4 In 1963 , however , Clark was champion for the first time , after winning a record seven rounds , and at 27 he became the youngest-ever world champion .
5 Champion for a second time in 1983 , he teamed up with Nigel Mansell at Williams in 1986 and a year later was champion for the third time .
6 When the right job did turn up , it was relief for the frustrated star , but it also signalled the end of his marriage .
7 I therefore conclude , though not without some doubt , that there was consideration for the new agreement … .
8 However , there was concern for the two survivors aboard the lifeboat , who were severely seasick , and an attempt was made to land them at St Abbs .
9 Short was co-driver for the British hope David Llewellin , but on Tuesday their British-prepared Toyota Celica crashed out of the five-day , 2,000-mile event .
10 And then , bang , crash , oh dear , it was time for the regional franchises to be renewed .
11 Now the two rival versions had been completed , it was time for the multiple power centres of News on Sunday to deliver their verdicts .
12 It was time for the deadly follow-up — the Offensive Offensive in which John Major would savage his opponents , even if they were sitting on the benches behind him .
13 With the housecoat made up and endless hurdles overcome , it was time for the real test — replacing the clothes stand with a model .
14 It was time for the Other Woman to go back to America .
15 Back at Kabrit there was time for the planned reorganization .
16 We avoided each other all evening until it was time for the Open University programmes .
17 After working out with the region 's most promising 12- to 14-year-olds , it was time for the main event .
18 Day three was spent at the lowest place on earth — 1400 ft below sea level — the Dead Sea and , after visiting the ancient palace of Herod the Great at Masada , it was time for the obligatory float in the Dead Sea .
19 In making this break with tradition , James , it seems , had come to the conclusion that it was time for the intellectual elite to shut up and listen to the workers for a change for it was they who were at the sharp end of the production system and therefore they who first sensed any changes in patterns of production .
20 A few anxious glances at watches showed that it was time for the invited party to take their places .
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