Example sentences of "was [adv] that [pers pn] was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was less that I was too proud , more that I was too embarrassed .
2 In a way she was imposing , and as statuesque as the pictures in front of her ; it was just that she was not , and never could be , her father 's type .
3 It was just that she was not a parent but their grandmother , whose character was fixed and unalterable .
4 He had stopped stealing , or , rather , Emmie thought he had : sometimes she wondered if it was just that she was n't keeping a proper watch on him .
5 It was just that it was intriguingly difficult to tell if he was issuing blunt ultimatums to a financial contact , or responding to some emotional problem at the other end of the line …
6 It was not that I was so self-blind that I saw nothing to be learnt .
7 It was not that he was n't loyal to the cause , but because he appeared to enjoy his own sense of importance too much .
8 It was not that he was obviously going to be a good priest .
9 It was not that he was too sure of himself simply that he was a good judge of the possible .
10 It was more that it was genuinely in those days a club .
11 It was n't that he was n't playing well , it just seemed like he could n't be arsed chasing back and helping Kelly out , I do n't know if he was knackered though .
12 It was n't that I was n't listening , I heard him all right ; but I was busy with my own thoughts , or , rather , my own feelings — the two were inextricably mixed together at this moment — and what he said was merely a background to the tumult that was going on inside me .
13 Yeah It was n't that it was n't the lumps that bothered me it was the uhum , the fact that the edges just does n't stay down .
14 Right , erm I 've actually got down that erm you assumed that his wife was n't a tax pay sorry , his wife was n't a tax payer and you assumed that she was n't working but you did actually pick back up on that later that she was n't that she was n't going back to work after having the children so erm tt that is now irrelevant but it was at the time that you were saying it , that you did n't actually pick it up .
15 Stradling writes , " Until comparatively recently the prevailing view on political education in England was either that it was already adequately taken care of through History , Geography , Social or General Studies or that it was a wholly unsuitable subject for the school curriculum . "
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