Example sentences of "was [adv] [num] [noun pl] [subord] the " in BNC.

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1 It was only 50 years since the first white settlement had been established at Port Jackson , and , although some semblance of order and ‘ civilisation ’ existed in the larger towns like Sydney , many of the outposts were still dangerous places to visit .
2 The first was just 20 minutes after the polls closed when , during a sample of random live interviews in Manchester , a man with a business on the verge of bankruptcy cheerfully admitted that the Tories had got him into this and he relied on them to get him out .
3 It was just ten years since the introduction of the breathalyser and people were beginning to get complacent .
4 It was not two days since the Duchess had issued instructions that no more tickets were to be given away , but it was hardly likely that such a prohibition would apply to Lord John Rossendale whose mother was an intimate friend of the Duchess of Richmond .
5 It was nearly forty years since the history master had bawled him out on the pavement over there , in front of the House of Commons .
6 In 1232 the Waverley annalist noted that it was now eight years since the king had confirmed the Great Charter and the Charter of the Forest and the bishops had pronounced sentence of excommunication against those who violated them .
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