Example sentences of "was [adv] [num] [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She was only thirteen stone when they took her in that last time , she was massive , she must of only been about five foot
2 It was only two days since she had sat in this same seat and dribbled raindrops everywhere .
3 Accordingly even though he picked up three loads there was only one appropriation because there was only one deviation .
4 There was only one toilet and you just had to hope no one came in with any diseases or anything .
5 The Churches said that they would try to unite — but this was nonsense , there was only one Church and he was it .
6 There was only one occasion when he intervened during the rehearsals , according to Irene Worth .
7 No , there was only one route that she could follow .
8 There was only one Temple but there was a synagogue in every Jewish community .
9 I mean , er FIMBRA can do its regulatory bit , the same as the police can regulate or the , or the government can regulate , but only within certain er parameters , and if somebody really wants to cheat , then they will cheat anyway and er we 've go we 're in a very sophisticated position where the directors of B C C I were able to move money from one continent to another and it meant er it looked as if you 'd actually got money in three separate areas , but in fact there was only one lot and it was being moved rapidly .
10 There was only one place that he liked .
11 It was only eight weeks since we had left Aubagne yet there was a difference in the way in which we behaved and in which we saw ourselves .
12 The king , so they said , had made four new commands on the Welsh front , though it was only four months since he had made the previous appointments of the two Percies as lieutenants of north and south Wales .
13 Jessie had said a fortnight , but it was only nine days since she had broken the awful news to her .
14 By the turn of the century , which was only ten years since his first professional engagement , John Tiller had amassed a great fortune for himself whilst changing the lives of working-class girls by giving them good wages and a career .
15 It was only three days since they had spoken , and they were not particularly close friends .
16 Then I spent three years there and it was only three weeks after I 'd left that I was offered the part of Russell in Butterflies .
17 It was only thirty-six hours since she 'd been washed up on the island like a piece of flotsam , she reminded herself ; early days to start bewailing her fate .
18 Someone had mentioned that the ski-jump was off to the right , but visibility was only 50 yards and it could not be seen .
19 And that was only 24 hours after he had demolished Surrey in the championship with a blistering 4–4 from 15 deliveries .
20 But this Saturday differed from other Saturdays : it was exactly five years since her father had died .
21 The fact that Branson had not a clue what ‘ synergy ’ meant was just one sign that he found the understanding between them somewhat less than ‘ magical ’ .
22 It was just eighty-eight days since he had recaptured his capital of Paris , yet in those few days he had shown the world how an emperor made armies .
23 It was just 40 minutes after his mother 's body was discovered .
24 One is that the small river or stream was low one night as it was a particularly dry period , the innkeeper deposited the body as per usual , but by the morning it had not drifted away .
25 Adam was under 14 champion when he was just 10 .
26 It was nearly twenty-six years before he saw his nephew again .
27 By the spring of 1964 I had persuaded myself that as it was nearly nine years since I joined AIB as a Senior Inspector and I was still a Senior Inspector , I would probably draw my pension as status of the engineering investigators to that of the operational investigators .
28 It was nearly two months since her call-up papers had come ; two months since S-Sugar had not come back .
29 It was nearly six years since I first met the people of Sabra and Shatila .
30 She had another prescription and it was nearly three weeks and she still , now , I mean this is like Five weeks she 's still got like a residual
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