Example sentences of "was [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 My subject of frost covered trees and hedgerows involved little colour and was mostly worked up in a sequence of colour tinted greys bearing reference numbers in the 800s .
2 Cutting was mostly carried out with a scythe although a few were able to hire machinery for the purpose .
3 And , yes , I saw the incident at Southampton , where Mark Nicholas was eventually given out to a disputed close catch and then brought back to the crease .
4 The cause was eventually tracked down to a previously unknown bacterium , given the name Legionella pneumophila .
5 The ( nominally left-wing ) Sinhala guerrilla Janatha Vimukti Peramuna ( JVP — People 's Liberation Front ) was effectively wiped out as a serious threat by ruthless army action in southern areas in late 1989 and early 1990 [ see pp. 37042 ; 37353 ] .
6 If this process was properly carried out as a matter of public law , then the consequential private law right of the plaintiff was simply a right to the accommodation which the council had decided to be suitable .
7 Downstairs you could n't see her hair because it was all screwed up in a knot .
8 I had the epidural injection in the base of my spine and then I was all rigged up to a machine so the nurses could monitor the baby 's movements .
9 But the next thing we knew he was all kitted out in a blue and white sailor suit , smelling sweetly of baby lotion and with not a wet patch to be seen .
10 I went back to Ralemberg 's house but it was all sealed up like a tomb so I left it alone .
11 This was all washed down with a bottle of red wine .
12 For — contrary to the legend that it was all thought through in a day — this theory was worked out in three main stages over the next half year .
13 It was all wrapped up in a knotted kerchief .
14 He was warmly wrapped up in a fur coat and had gloves on .
15 Oliver was gently carried in to a bed , and received more care and kindness than he had ever had in his life .
16 Within fifty years the area was entirely built over with a population of nearly 70,000 .
17 But Peter Hickton was only slowed down for a moment .
18 He said their figures applied to five other water authorities as well as AW , and said disconnection was only carried out as a last resort , when all other methods failed .
19 His raving was suddenly choked off in a fit of agonised coughing by the stinging , acrid fumes of the gasoline which cascaded down over his head and shoulders , as Curtis upended the almost empty can and poured the dregs down over him .
20 Their brand of blues-tinged metal was eagerly lapped up by a capacity Stadium crowd for the Crowes ’ second Irish performance .
21 Generosity , however , was not an emotion that could be found in many Palestinian hearts in Lebanon , and the hatred that burned in 1948 was eagerly taken up by a new generation .
22 The impromptu petition was apparently drawn up at a dinner given by the Society of Dilettanti and sent to the Arts Minister , Mr Richard Luce .
23 On my last day there I was literally pushed out of a small news agent 's shop by a pair of youths for requesting a box of matches in English rather than in French ; I even tried my one and only French joke on them and said ‘ Quel fromage ! ’ but it got me nowhere — but out !
24 After about ten minutes — several riderless horses had skipped over the line by now , and another contender had cleared the last jump , and was gaining — Bumboy was finally scourged out of a series of circles and flopped over the line , home by half a length .
25 Happily , the stories live on , such as the visiting sportsman who , when boasting about his prowess with the gun , was easily put down by a local crofter : ‘ Man , that is nothing .
26 A Prieto premiership was nevertheless ruled out by a Socialist leadership within which Largo Caballero and the ‘ bolshevizers ’ were dominant .
27 On June 8 after an explosion on board the Norwegian supertanker , Mega Borg , 3,000,000 gallons of light crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico 90 km south-east of Galveston , Texas , but was largely burnt off in a fire which was not extinguished until June 15 .
28 The merger ‘ scramble ’ of l959–61 was largely sparked off by a bid by well-known takeover specialist Charles Clore for Watney Mann .
29 All of this was already mapped out in a very decent and proper piece of research that I had just written up .
30 The next time they came Allen was already hidden up in a beech-tree above where they stood and Marian was far off wandering among her swine looking for flowers .
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