Example sentences of "was [adv] [adv] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was only once the basic political problems of the transition had been resolved that a coherent strategy could emerge for confronting the immediate economic crisis , and for dealing with serious underlying questions such as the restructuring of basic sectors of industry and the modernization of state finances and administration .
2 That was just about the only redeeming feature of that winter because it formed a kind of bridge which made walking up to the road a lot easier .
3 The ‘ family ’ was not merely the basic social unit of bourgeois society but its basic unit of property and business enterprise , linked with other such units through a system of exchanges of women-plus-property ( the ‘ marriage portion ’ ) in which the women were by strict convention deriving from pre-bourgeois tradition virgines intactae .
4 It was not only the top-class international field which made John Henry 's task a stiff one , for days of heavy rain — which persisted during the race — had made the going very soft , conditions which the gelding did not like .
5 ‘ One of the most malicious and vicious curses of the Amaranth sorcerers of tara , ’ said the Robemaker and pulled the hood back into place , so that it was once again the forbidding cloaked being who stood there .
6 A few moments before he died he rubbed his cheek against our hands desperate for our touch , like a kitten or a very young baby ; in the next he was once again the brave young fighter pilot , and , in a curiously jaunty gesture he put his thumbs up , as though telling control tower he was ready now for take off .
7 These girls came down in special trains : it was n't just the odd few .
8 It was n't just the sustained rumbling growls rising to a frenzy as two dogs threatened each other then lunged together in a bitter embrace , each asserting its place in the hierarchy , the priority of its rights over the red bitch .
9 William Jessop , John Rennie and Thomas Green all made contributions , while John Smeaton , better remembered as a builder of lighthouses , was almost certainly the leading civil engineer of the canal era .
10 Italy , for instance , was no longer the great Roman empire .
11 By the time Virginia became a royal colony it was no longer the only English settlement in the Americas .
12 This was no longer the wily old ecclesiastical politician from the metropole who had first closed down Martinho 's seminary news-letter and then later , seeing which way the wind blew , had made an unholy , if tacit , alliance with Caesar in the shape of Osvaldo .
13 In fact , he was very much the resident funny man in what was already a very amusing show indeed .
14 Ward was very much the old Etonian now , his manner still mild , but with something in the voice that held Rodriguez riveted , both hands on the table and his bottom half out of his seat .
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