Example sentences of "was [adv] [art] [noun] that [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was basically the novel that made it necessary for me to look into the Bible .
2 By the time that Lothar arrived in Paris , probably in the 1180s , perhaps earlier , the theology taught there was no longer the speculative , probing theology of Peter Abelard ( which was perhaps the reputation that had brought him there in the first place ) , but had become more concerned with practical issues and doctrine .
3 The enormity of ‘ one roof ’ had taken her by surprise , and it was perhaps the way that had stiffened her which made her now feel so free , so beyond obligation .
4 When I saw your hair — ’ touching it lovingly , fingering the fiery strands ‘ — it was perhaps the trigger that sprang the flame .
5 Still , it was only a hare that had hurt him .
6 It was the only horse so far which was the right size and the right shape — or perhaps it was only the spots that detracted from Jazz 's mount .
7 She tried to explain that it was only the symptoms that had gone , and that now we had to tackle the causes .
8 But Danjit was only the hand that held the vibroblade .
9 This was exactly the result that did occur .
10 But it was just a bell that rang , it did not buzz or chime .
11 So he was interested ; it was just an interest that became less important to him .
12 It was just an instinct that came with the job .
13 ( If so , I thought that was just the problem that made it impossible to use Rocky … )
14 She flashed me a glance that made it clear there was some backbone in there , it was just the training that made her act like a dipstick .
15 At first it was just the bodies that had been left in the corridors .
16 Only through Cunhaval was she aware of life in the forest and it was not a life-form that encouraged them to slow down and set a trap .
17 Failure was not a word that answered .
18 Accreditation was not a concept that had gained currency in Britain at this time , and in developments over the next few years it was to receive a variety of interpretations in British further and higher education .
19 This was not a requirement that rested easily with Cleo , who liked to show off , and while obeying Wakelate 's orders to a certain degree , she always took pleasure in singling out a male at these dull gatherings , on whom to focus the power of her charms .
20 It was not a problem that had ever occurred before , and although Ellie knew she was probably playing with fire she was intrigued to know how it would all turn out .
21 It was not a system that stifled individual skill .
22 However , having considered the arguments , Lord Bingham said that it was not a subject that lent itself to absolute rules .
23 They were so dependent on Britain for their trade and knew that they were accepted into the EC only because we had become a member that it was not a subject that exercised them overmuch .
24 That endurance was not a quality that induced ready sympathy from a class that still looked on the constable as a kind of public flunkey .
25 ‘ Nignog ’ was not a phrase that came readily to his lips .
26 It was perfectly natural that Jake should marry — and , apart from how it might affect Kirsty , it was not an event that interested her in the slightest .
27 It was not the Faculty that offered to cooperate with the IoT over examinations , but the IoT which made the offer to the Faculty .
28 The Mexican Government wanted to pretend that it was not the army that guaranteed them the land .
29 DR WHO is dead , but it was not the Daleks that got him , it was his own sexism .
30 Donna traced the features with one index finger but it was not the face that caused her hand to shake .
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