Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [adv prt] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Several papers report on Goldie the goldfish which was apparently brought back from the dead when its owner gave it the kiss of life and poured whisky down its throat .
2 Noise was already filtering through from the lounge and the veranda , where the house guests had gathered .
3 So we dashed back to the steamer which was just pulling out from the bank — you two were jolly glad to see us .
4 I 'd been yo-yoing up and down a rollercoaster for the best part of an hour and I was still hung over from the phial of ‘ Renshenfengwangjiang ’ — a potent blend of panax ginseng and royal bee jelly — that Michael Willis had persuaded me to drink for breakfast .
5 At last , with Greg 's help , they managed to get him on to a stretcher to which he was firmly secured with nylon strapping so that it was virtually impossible for him to move , then the stretcher was carefully lifted down from the jig and into the waiting ambulance .
6 Ore was also carted down from a hopper at Top Level , the track crossing the beck directly below the waterfall then winding around to connect with the Levers Water — Paddy End track .
7 McLaren was then ushered in from an adjoining office .
8 A top bunk was then pulled down from the ceiling , complete with ladder .
9 Still the rain , all week it had rained , and his coat was barely dried out from the previous evening and his shoes were still wet and had rejected the polish he had attempted over his breakfast .
10 It was thus able to draw on the large reservoir of latent discontent among Liberals and the intellectuals which had been only slightly touched by the problem of unemployment and which was completely cut off from the syndicalist traditions of working class militancy in the previous decade .
11 A samurai was publicly marked out from the rest of society by his appearance and his bearing of two swords .
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