Example sentences of "was [adj] [conj] she [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One of my friends thought she was pregnant and she told my mum before her own mum .
2 Her mouth was dry and she wished she had n't finished her coffee .
3 The child was right when she said it was people like that who did terrible things .
4 ‘ Anna was right when she said you should be asked to attend our little gathering . ’
5 She was right when she said he could be a bastard , he really could .
6 anyway she went and had it done and erm she was upset after she had it done like it must of hurt you know she was crying
7 Ettedgui , who had supported Hamnett by selling her first clothes in his shops , was upset when she abandoned him in favour of Bertelsen , an oil-rich entrepreneur who arrived in London offering designer deals and retail arrangements in 1986 .
8 She tried to fight him , but her effort was half-hearted as she found herself carried away on an irresistible tide of longing .
9 ‘ I might have died , you mean , ’ said Julia in the first lawyerly voice of her convalescence and then was sorry when she saw his face .
10 Slightly put off by his failure to take any notice of her as she entered , her voice was hesitant as she greeted him in her best Spanish .
11 Her reply was crisp and she held his gaze , letting him see her anger .
12 That much was clear as she struck his hand away .
13 Even at that early stage in her career , Roddick knew she was different and she cultivated it .
14 She sipped absently , so desperate to remember who she was and how she came to be here that the mug was empty before she realised it .
15 It was risky and she knew it .
16 I was nervous but she put me at ease immediately .
17 ‘ She wanted the world to know her life was perfect when she knew it was n't . ’
18 His mother , from Newquay , Cornwall , was incensed when she heard what had happened in a letter written home by her son .
19 Although as a legacy of the Gullane incident , she felt that her father never fully trusted her again until his dying day , the shock , allied to the S.L.G.A 's threat of a ban , was such that she mended her ways at once .
20 Her answering smile was thoughtful as she watched him duck gracefully through the doorway .
21 She was horrified until she guessed he had lit a cigarette .
22 ‘ Known him long ? ’ he asked , but his face was expressionless and she knew he was only making polite conversation .
23 But elderly ladies make me feel uncomfortable and our small talk petered out ; I was glad when she said she must go and congratulate N'dosi and moved away .
24 She used the tone of voice she had used when he was little and she caught him doing something he had been expressly forbidden to do .
25 She was lucky to get let into the building by another resident who obviously recognised her , so Ace was unprepared when she rang his doorbell .
26 Lady Agatha , very chic in a cambric high gown and lace cap , was firm as she fixed her nephew with an unwavering stare .
27 It was cold in the narrow stairwell ; the metal banister was freezing when she touched it .
28 Still , it was good that she sought his advice .
29 He was poor when she married him .
30 She was happy when she starved herself of new clothes and expensive hairdressers , her bun gone , her blonde hair cut short , strict and styleless , by a merciless local hairdresser .
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