Example sentences of "was [adj] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For some time she had done all that was possible to avoid going out in the rain as she could not bear the thought of the water touching her skin .
2 On the train , however , it was possible to try to catch up on what there was to know about Christabel LaMotte .
3 Whilst the Conservative government was delighted to have sold back to the private sector one of its most difficult privatisation candidates , the impact of recent changes in the car industry have yet to be fully assessed .
4 Mr Goodman adds that the company was fortunate to have started up in the recession , because services could be had more cheaply than in easier times .
5 She sought to discover where he had obtained the information he was supposed to have passed on to a Sunday newspaper .
6 And what happened to this warning Bernard was supposed to have passed on to Bailey ? ’
7 And this little weird group existed in the seventeenth century , never numbered more than about two hundred , and dwindled in number , and was supposed to have died out in about the nineteenth century .
8 ‘ Someone was supposed to have come up to me and said , ‘ Did n't you know that there are many starving people in Ethiopia ? ’ to which I 'm supposed to have said , ‘ Yeah .
9 Jay raged against the divorced husband and all the lovers Lucy was sure to have had in between .
10 Celia kept slipping and Liza kept telling herself she was ridiculous to have given in to the child .
11 But I knew it was useless to try to make up for all his losses .
12 Some survivors from ‘ dive-in ’ accidents have confirmed that they knew it was useless to try to pull out of the dive while they could ‘ feel ’ the glider was still stalled .
13 She knew that it was liable to come swishing down on her hands and legs at any moment .
14 He was last seen staggering out of the house into the street possiblity still being pursued by his assailants .
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