Example sentences of "was [verb] in that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then in June 1946 , the 1st Bucks Battalion was placed in that curious condition known as ‘ suspended animation ’ while stationed at Ghent .
2 Farriery was wanting in that fundamental science .
3 ‘ Do you mean that you started writing Jane Eyre while I was lying in that dark room in Manchester ? ’
4 Some convicted men went over the wall and the judge , who was born in that very prison , called for an improvement in security at the prison .
5 It was born in that self-confident time when other changes she had doggedly forced past party muttering had been rewarded by a step-change in productivity and relatively low inflation .
6 Inspired , Yeremi sprayed a stream of incandescent rainbow plasma gobbets at a defence laser which was tracking in that forbidden direction , and rejoiced to see its shield fail and the shark-snouted gun warp and drip like a lugubrious runny nose .
7 But do you know , me cousin Eric , who 's quite a lot older than me , was at Scarborough with me Uncle and and his mother and dad and he was only a little one and he was stood in that narrow street that goes off , off the
8 Time and again , she had cast her mind back to before Maisie was lost in that tragic fire .
9 You take a man like Christopher Marlowe : I was with him when he was murdered in that private house .
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