Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of the afternoon was tainted with that powerful awareness , and as they drove through the city Rachel was on edge , aware of the predator at her side .
2 He was hanging off that red ball for a four hundred at the end though cos
3 Then in June 1946 , the 1st Bucks Battalion was placed in that curious condition known as ‘ suspended animation ’ while stationed at Ghent .
4 I could remember nothing further back than the time I was walking over that miserable plain .
5 When he next spoke it was about something trivial , and Alyssia replied in the same vein , stifling the burning curiosity to find out what dark secrets he was keeping behind that controlled face of his .
6 On entering the solar , Joan was reminded of that other visit and what had come after — and was all but overwhelmed by distress .
7 That was all , the slightest touch of his fingers on hers , but she was reminded of that other time he had touched her , when he 'd helped her out of the pool , and now , as then , something inside her responded to his touch .
8 He seemed a little tense , and looked past me at the bedroom door ; and I was reminded of that first day .
9 Farriery was wanting in that fundamental science .
10 I do n't know when he , when he was looking for that old chap , I think one of the girls threw something at him hit him in the eye .
11 She was saved from that particular choice by a boy of about seven , who had apparently been playing with his train set in the porch .
12 Er the reason for the book that was written at that particular time was that that i you 've got ta remember it was , what was it ?
13 When I was convalescing after that last virus , my Good Samaritans in Cotherstone arranged for me to have the Meals on Wheels service for several weeks .
14 ‘ Do you mean that you started writing Jane Eyre while I was lying in that dark room in Manchester ? ’
15 She 'd had no idea what the house looked like , until she was going through that wooden gate when , holding Millie by the hand , she espied it in the distance .
16 What was going into that crushing ratchet — my US Approach card , or my Johnson ?
17 Some convicted men went over the wall and the judge , who was born in that very prison , called for an improvement in security at the prison .
18 It was born in that self-confident time when other changes she had doggedly forced past party muttering had been rewarded by a step-change in productivity and relatively low inflation .
19 The defence , apart from a point on the Consumer Credit Act 1974 that I need not examine , was that the transaction had been procured by undue influence on the part of the son and that the plaintiff was affected by that undue influence .
20 Inspired , Yeremi sprayed a stream of incandescent rainbow plasma gobbets at a defence laser which was tracking in that forbidden direction , and rejoiced to see its shield fail and the shark-snouted gun warp and drip like a lugubrious runny nose .
21 Chaplins Club was retired after that memorable success .
22 It was noted above that unfavourable combinations of maternal age and pregnancy order appear adversely to affect the height and weight of infants .
23 The point is that the experts were convinced Leakey was wrong when they could not possibly have known this to be the case In his rollicking ‘ Steady-state cosmology revisited ’ , Sir Fred Hoyle recounts what occurred when a paper submitted by his fellow astrophysicist Sir Hermann Bondi was set before that august body , the Royal Astronomical Society .
24 He wondered what she was doing at that very moment .
25 ‘ Would you celebrate if you were at home ? ’ he was asking with that same faraway look in his eyes .
26 The wry tone was accompanied by that impenetrable gaze , which had a disastrous effect on her composure .
27 The article was accompanied by that old picture you 've all seen before of Jonny Woodward on Beau Geste at Froggatt , described in the caption as a ‘ prime potential target for bolting ’ .
28 He was sealed into that ample vessel with lead — the metal must have been poured whilst molten , then had hardened around his butt .
29 The steward was not left to mourn that his bottles found no custom : there was treating and return treating , and one humble Highlander who could sing Gaelic songs was made the sink into which was poured the spirits bought by sundry odd pence ; and , to the satisfaction of those who deem it a noble accomplishment the filling a man drunk , this Celt was brought into that pitiable condition , and manifested the power of the spirits over his brain in rather a curious way , — he was for kissing all round .
30 A quick check confirmed that , looking straight ahead , the threshold would appear where his helmet had been It took a dumbfounded second to realise that this illusion was caused by that blasted periscope , fulfilling its designed job , in the centre of my field of view .
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