Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was plunged at once into an immediate round of familiarisation of completely new and strange devices that were the work-a-day tools of Bomber Command .
2 I was enrolled at once in the village school which had two teachers who were sisters , one taking all the younger classes and the other the older children .
3 A warning about the Staples Corner bomb was received at 12.20am at a telephone exchange in Portadown , Northern Ireland .
4 Bond was examined at 8.00pm on the Tuesday evening in the Crown & Anchor tavern in the Strand by Cline ( in the chair ) , Baillie , Abernethy , Home , Houlston and Cooper , with Coleman in attendance and W. Mounsher as secretary .
5 Traditionally the damaged bone was either left to repair and replace itself as best it could or bone was harvested from elsewhere in the body and used to augment the lost bone .
6 He was approached from behind by a man who shoved a sharp object into his back and ordered him to return to the bar in Beaumont Street .
7 It shows that while the UK was in deep deficit in trade with the dollar area , in most years this was added to significantly by the deficit of the rest of the sterling area ( broadly speaking , the Dominions minus Canada , plus the colonies , plus a few other countries like Iraq ) .
8 Extra time was deadlocked until well into the second period when both Bolton full-backs moved up , Cowdrill passed square to Brown and a powerful long-range strike hurtled past Digby .
9 Ice-cream was looked on mainly as a cheap , default dessert appealing to a cost-conscious market .
10 If the American presence during the war period was looked upon ambivalently by the local population , its continued presence at Chaguaramas , following the cessation of hostilities , would lead to a protracted dispute between the foreign powers and the government of Trinidad and Tobago , a government led by that most unambivalent of men , Dr.Eric Williams .
11 The , the Labour Party was seeking to actually to the value of the airfield .
12 It was answered at once in the basement .
13 Eustace himself offered huge sums for his life but , hated as he was by the men of the Cinque Ports , he was beheaded at once by an old enemy , Stephen of Winchelsea , an incident depicted in a graphic drawing by Matthew Paris [ q.v . ] .
14 He was written about enthusiastically in the New York Times , offered a recording contract by CBS Records , and by the end of that year was cutting his first album .
15 He swerved without warning to avoid a peaceable bicycle and was hooted at violently by an approaching car .
16 It was opened at once by the Town Clerk .
17 Early in his career he was thought of primarily as a left-arm spinner , and made his debut for Barbados in 1941–2 as such .
18 The drill was screaming and an intense heat was rising from deep inside the shaft .
19 In spring their window was lit from above by the yellow glow of a thick row of bright daffodils .
20 John was called in initially in an advisory capacity with Laings and the architects .
21 ‘ One of the company was called upon often without a word of preparation — to treat on a subject with which he was presumed to be familiar , and so to express himself that what he said could be discussed afterwards .
22 The 28-year-old woman was walking alone in the town 's Templehill area at around 12:30am when she was grabbed from behind outside a funeral parlour and indecently assaulted her before escaping on foot .
23 As she approached County Hall on New Street , she was grabbed from behind by a man who dragged her down an alley .
24 She was grabbed from behind by a man and forced into a car where another man was waiting .
25 Vassall was recognised at once by the Russians in Moscow as a homosexual and blackmailed .
26 The old erm violence in society was dealt with largely with the Public Order Act of nineteen thirty-six , but recently we 've had introduced a new Act through Parliament .
27 There was the point that the scientific community had not yet had time to confirm the phenomenon but this was dealt with summarily with a warning that would , in the following months , become a knee-jerk response of Utah fusion aficionados .
28 Major Barrie put in acidly : ‘ He was driven over there by a second lieutenant called Bailey , if you have any jurisdiction in this matter .
29 The pit-bull terrier was found at 5am in the Hilltop Garage on the Dean and Chapter Industrial Estate .
30 Our conversation was interrupted in midstream by the arrival of 14-month-old Misha .
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