Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] the [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 I was hypnot-ized by the knowing way this eleven-year-old blurted out so unfeelingly a tragedy that had paralysed an entire family .
2 Of course , they also absorbed the rest of the sunlight as well , storing it in a special sac until it was excreted in the normal way .
3 However , the real triumph was the fact that the user interface was matched to the traditional ways of working — which made it both easy to learn and rapidly accepted ( though much criticised for its lack of typographic accuracy ) by the publishing industry .
4 At Cambridge Darwin was absorbed into the Anglican way of thinking about Nature and read Paley 's Natural Theology .
5 Legislation clearly was seen as the only way to bring about that objective quickly .
6 This was done in the following ways : ( a ) By extending the concept of legal right .
7 Once extended her own eye was pressed to the lens of the telescope that was herself ( was it her own eye 's lens she was looking through the wrong way ? ) and she saw herself at the other end .
8 This was made in the following way .
9 Mozart was buried in the customary way in an unmarked mass grave , and its exact location has never been discovered .
10 A referral was received concerning an elderly woman who knew that residential care would be necessary at a future point ; she was assessed in the normal way , and placed on the waiting list .
11 Half the forty women were ‘ working class ’ and half ‘ middle class ’ ; social class was assessed in the conventional way , on the basis of husband 's occupation .
12 Erm well the the first point probably to make is that this er the manual that er Mr refers to was only published in June of this year er and clearly in terms of the information that er has been put in the statement , that was based upon the previous way of assessing the impact .
13 He was driven round the wrong way in a car in heavy rain .
14 At the start of this account , computer-aided freedom , caf , was proposed as the future way forward many tutors and learners would like to tread .
15 The unofficial side was represented by the friendly way he was being offered coffee in a thin china cup , and the official side by the nervous energy of the AC 's manner and the fact that he was unobtrusively taking notes .
16 One day , as he was pushing his tinker 's cart round Bedford , he came across three or four poor women , sitting at a door in the sun , and was struck by the confident way in which they spoke of their salvation .
17 Oh yes yes er I should say that er Street er Street then you get into Palfrey now you see Palfrey was a little bit less due to the fact that there were a hell of a lot of railway men at work down there , I mean really all belonging to some department on the railway , you get er drivers and all the men and the permanent way of being in Street I mean a lot of people from Palfrey lived down lived in Palfrey was working in the permanent way in Street , so it was a really , Palfrey you could say was a railway community .
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