Example sentences of "was [pron] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But that gives the wrong impression , for there was nothing whatever contrived about the effect .
2 Yes well that 's that was noth Yesterday was nothing whatsoever to do with the L G U or the ladies section .
3 I do n't know what happened , but over the years it was me who came to the band 's aid when it was needed .
4 I think maybe there was someone who died in the war or something .
5 The heretic was someone who quarrelled with the fundamental teaching of the Christian Church , not someone who criticized the trappings of religion .
6 ‘ It was you I saw in the car , ’ he said .
7 The greatest composer in the world , if he lacks an interpreter to suit him , is like a man prevented from speaking by a gag ; and this evening it was you who acted as the interpreter to untie the gag , the messenger to carry the good news .
8 It was you who jumped to the conclusion .
9 We may have been poor and ignorant in Glasgow but ratting on our friends was something we left to the narks , the narks and the prosperous classes .
10 The idea of ‘ Napoleonism ’ , that is , the concept of the Emperor as a phenomenon of history and therefore politically dead , was one which appealed to the conservative strata of French society , which were glad to remember the glory the Emperor had given to France but had no wish to see him re-embodied .
11 Indeed , the epitome of an English gentleman was one who stood on the deck while his ship sunk beneath him , his upper lip stiff , his cap straight and his right hand at the salute .
12 The Cheltenham course was one he completed to the College 's satisfaction , and as he left as a qualified master his first thought was to return home to North London , at least for the time being .
13 On top was the Queen with Princess Anne in a pushchair and Paul McCartney as Dad , and here was one I had near the beginning about being in a space-ship — Brian and me were weightless and floating around , and what we had to do was to get some stability by getting hold of this firework , a sort of Catherine wheel that was going round and round and showering sparks in our faces , so we closed our eyes and a fire-fanged beast roared flames at us and burned a hole in the space-ship and I fell , still with my eyes tight shut , out into the bottomless black void .
14 The funeral trade furnished funerals in accordance with the rank of the deceased , and it was they who decided on the suitable coffin type , quality of lining and shroud .
15 William Mason Fenn was rector from 1864 until 1866 , and it was he who arranged for the fair at nearby Hoyland Common to be brought up to Rectory Field where the parishioners could enjoy the swings and donkey rides free .
16 Because he was literate , it was he who helped with the drawing up of wills or testaments , and , in more recent times , it was he who wrote references or testimonials and signed applications for passports .
17 Was it something to do with the soldiers ' deaths ?
18 What was it you said on the phone about needing to feel connected , affected , moved ?
19 Was it you went over the fence with Gary ?
20 THE predicted overspend on the new British Library would have paid for a £1 million public library for every UK local authority , leaving over £100 million for an extension to the British Museum Reading Room with a new underground storage area — which was what everyone wanted in the first place .
21 That was what we targeted during the four days prior to the Cardiff match .
22 But love was what he felt for the stranger who 'd thrust herself upon him .
23 He ‘ produced his bell and rang it , stating that that was what he did at the time ’ , but the magistrate told him ‘ that he must not think that everyone had to scamper out of the way upon hearing the sound of his bell ’ .
24 The idea of finding out about the , the batsman was what he did in the cricket team , so that when I mentioned that I could say
25 It was what she saw as the excessive time and attention given to the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians which she objected to most strongly , feeling that it would only be a matter of time before the Governors took action to alter the position .
26 That was what she liked about the summer .
27 One of the Home Office 's strongest objections to the inclusion of manual records under the legislation was what it saw as the insuperable practical obstacles to controlling such a ubiquitous traditional activity .
28 In fact , working women were more independent and less likely to marry early ; and the real significance of this controversy was what it revealed about the ideological assumptions of ruling-class men .
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