Example sentences of "was [art] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the forerunner of every luxurious railway carriage , of which the private American railroad car , popular with tycoons between 1890 and the Second World War , was the ultimate status symbol of the traveller .
2 There was the usual pub smell of stale tobacco but the river Thames laps against the old smugglers ' inn and its odours mingle with the rest .
3 At the end of a conference at Gisors in mid-August he had hewn down the famous elm tree which marked the border and was the traditional meeting place of Kings of France and Dukes of Normandy .
4 A prime example was the ultrasonic inspection vehicle for the Snorre Field Tension Leg Platform tethers which was delivered during the year to Saga Petroleum of Norway .
5 This project , we 're very pleased , is directed by Doctor Eric Briot , you may remember was the Chief Education Officer in London until he retired and came to lead this project , and a man of very great standing in education field , and what he 's looking at is the effect of the falling school populations , which is already hitting primary schools , on these large comprehensives that we 've created .
6 De Robredo was the official court embroiderer to King Carlos IV of Spain .
7 It was the tiny jade sculpture of Kuan Yin that DeVore had given Gesell only the week before .
8 The Franco-Spanish treaty of 1659 was drawn up in both French and Spanish versions ; but that of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1668 was in French alone , as was the Franco-Dutch peace settlement of 1678 ( though the treaty of the same year between France and Spain was in both French and Spanish versions , and that of 1679 between France and the Holy Roman Empire was in Latin ) .
9 Mr Mates was the efficient stage manager of Michael Heseltine 's almost successful bid for the premiership .
10 Berwick was the principal trading city of Scotland in the thirteenth century ; but when King Alexander III fell from his horse near Kinghorn in Fife , on 19 March 1286 , Scotland , without an obvious heir to the throne , fell also : into a 300-year nightmare of almost continual conflict with England .
11 The case will be keenly remembered by the hon. and learned Member for Perth and Kinross ( Sir N. Fairbairn ) , who was the principal Law Officer for Scotland at the time .
12 It was the stereotyped picture beloved of cartoonists — the family ( Nigel and a few cousins ) , trim in their black on one side of the grave , and the floosie ( Jacqui ) , in an unsuitable black cocktail dress and purple fur-collared coat , weeping on the other .
13 What was the net percentage change in the goblin population over the four years ?
14 Second was the Communist AKEL party with 18 seats and 30.6 per cent of the vote ( up from 15 seats and 27.4 per cent in the December 1985 elections — see pp. 34112-13 ) .
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the average capital expenditure within Trafford area health authority at constant prices ( a ) in the period 1974-79 and ( b ) 1979-1991 .
16 And B what was the average time speed of the train ?
17 To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the average family income in ( a ) 1979 and ( b ) 1991 in real terms .
18 One of these seats , or ‘ pocket-boroughs ’ , was the small country town of Cockermouth , where William Wordsworth was born .
19 Formerly it was a watery barrier on the journey along the west coast , and the key to its crossing was the small car ferry at Stromeferry , a source of long delays and frustration , but the ferry was abandoned when a new road was constructed along the south-east shore of the loch .
20 According to Lincoln 's recollection subsequently , he glanced at a map in his office and decided within ten seconds that the 38th parallel was the correct demarcation line between the zones of American and Soviet occupation .
21 The only major item of legislation in the health field between 1951 and 1970 was the Mental Health Act of 1959 which altered the procedures for the compulsory admission and retention of the mentally ill in hospital , abolishing the old ‘ certification ’ procedure .
22 It would recognise , too , that industrial democracy can not be conjured into being overnight , no more than was political democracy , no more than was the joint stock company as the common expression of industrial capitalism .
23 Amun-Re was the supreme state deity of the New Kingdom .
24 Another source of inspiration was the naval reefer jacket of the late nineteenth century .
25 I was the only Arsenal supporter in my entire year at school .
26 But on B B C which was the only station operating at that er time erm er Sunday was a a drab day .
27 Lt Watts was the only platoon commander in Bosnia to lose one of his men .
28 After the hills of the Malverns today , was the only rest day in 14 .
29 The headmistress and the governors of the school named were justly irate , for , they stated with concerted vehemence , no child had witnessed the recovery of the body of a murder victim from the canal : those children who had not been making stegosauruses out of old egg boxes had been learning an Ashanti war dance , and not one had been in the playground , which was the only vantage point from which body recovery would be observable .
30 The agricultural future lay with cattle-raising ( the cow or the pig was the only cash product of the small farmer and was sold , to pay his taxes , in the markets that were the centre of Galician social intercourse ) , and this could not develop until railways brought the market centre of Lugo into contact with the mass consumption of Madrid and Barcelona .
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