Example sentences of "was [adj] that [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was sorry that he went to the West Riding after only two terms , although this made me stand on my own feet quickly , which was of itself of value .
2 In a workshop which was being made up Then we went on to er , it was funny that we passed through London , the very s day or second day that word arrived that the invasion was on , the troops had arrived in , in Normandy .
3 The snow was coming down in thick flakes , adding to the unreal appearance as they chugged slowly from one bank to the other , and she was delighted that they stopped at every single stop .
4 Say it was appalling that they spied on us like that ? ’
5 He held his shoulders well back and straight , and although Camille had never got close enough to make certain , she was convinced that he strode with his eyes half closed and a small , smart smile on his lips : unique , invincible , the splendid solitary leader of the procession , never to be challenged , usurped or tripped up .
6 Thome de Gamond realised the importance of preliminary geological investigations and this enthusiasm was such that he dived without any form of equipment to depths of 100 feet to survey the Channel bed .
7 His impact was such that it led to further villainy — as the probably gay hit man in the Big Combo ( 1955 ) , as a rapist and murderer in Ride Lonesome ( 1959 ) , as Lee Marvin 's psychotic side-kick in The Man Who Shot Liberty Vallance ( 1962 ) as well as more conventional heavies in Gunfight at the OK Corral ( 1956 ) , The Tin Star ( 1957 ) and How the West Was Won ( 1962 ) .
8 Such an image had little real relevance to the situation he was ostensibly addressing , although its private significance was such that it reappeared in his later creative work .
9 Jenkins was fortunate that he brought with him to the Home Office an intuitive understanding that it is how issues and incidents are handled , more than the policies which are decided upon , that can make or break a Home Secretary 's reputation .
10 As it was imperative that they get to Paris as quickly as possible they embarked on a slow train , hoping to arrive in time for their turn at the theatre .
11 Jo Spence I think it was then I was ill that I understood for the first time what it was to be a victim .
12 It was characteristic that he stuck into his scrapbook not only the programme of that performance and the rave review from Dance News , but also such memorabilia as publicity photographs and sketches about the clothes and accessories which all the women in the company were given as ambassadors of British fashion , and , significantly , the handsome illustrated brochure of Balanchine 's School of American Ballet .
13 Incidentally I was glad that although I did n't feel one hundred percent I was glad that I wandered round Liberties .
14 Victoria was an extremely pretty young woman , and it was obvious that she cared for Miguel Rafaelo .
15 It was unfortunate that he returned for a short time but this was necessary in order for him to complete training prior to deploying on an operational tour . ’
16 It was better that she thought of neither .
17 I was sure that she consisted of two personalities , one innocuous and human , the other uncanny .
18 ‘ It was great that we bumped into you . ’
19 And in the corner of his eye — an anxious blue blur was all that she amounted to — this Soviet woman he was deliberately ignoring .
20 That was all that he had in mind , as Prior Robert , bewildered and displeased by what seemed to him very grudging acceptance of a duty that should have conveyed honour upon the recipient , waved Jerome imperiously to the altar .
21 It was evident that he wanted to be not simply in the forest , but somehow at one with it ; rooted in the same fertile earth .
22 Offers continued to roll in , some so tempting that I did not see how she could refuse them , but with four children now of whom none was over twelve , she was adamant that she wished to be with them , and this meant that we could move further afield .
23 I knew it would be a race back to Stuart Street and I was pleased that it ended in an honourable draw .
24 It was impossible to know what was going on in her mind , but he was thankful that she seemed in no way agitated .
25 yeah it was Saracen that we looked at
26 It was , it was bad that she used to those draws that bad that after so long you 'd see him go all white and then you 'd gradually see round the crutch then so , more
27 The king was astonished that he asked for so little , and readily agreed .
28 But I was surprised that I got round the room , cos I 'm awful at remembering names I think I 'm gon na have to try and
29 ‘ I was surprised that you came on the Mantela . ’
30 Goff thought that Minton , consciously or unconsciously , divided his friends into two categories , serious and fun — and was aware that he belonged to the first .
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