Example sentences of "was [adj] [to-vb] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Nigerian head of state at that time was assassinated two days before Arthur was due to start playing in black Africa 's first professional tournament in Lagos .
2 With Eastern Europe in turmoil and the single market far from complete , it was risky to start talking about European Monetary Union and the social charter .
3 Valuable though such concessions were felt to be in the short term , we concluded it was wrong to encourage prospecting in sensitive waters without an adequate understanding of the nature and level of the risks involved .
4 She was supposed to have died from Allied bombing , so that ties up .
5 With her experience in the grant-aided sector , Karen Hamilton was able to choose to move into mainstream broadcasting and , on a personal level , it 's been a very positive experience for her .
6 Central Office was able to keep going at full capacity through 1915 and 1916 , but here again there was a falling off in 1917 .
7 A brawl following a coach collision was unlikely to have led to fatal violence being offered to a woman .
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