Example sentences of "for [indef pn] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But for him , as for everyone else in the capital , the course of events must now have been discerned as inevitable .
2 A member of the circle will babysit for you and , in exchange , you 'll babysit for someone else in the circle while your partner stays at home with your own children .
3 Do n't forget to vote for somebody tomorrow in the election .
4 And if you do n't like any of those look for something else on the shelf , but try to move about as little as possible , please . ’
5 Or would you rather have the security of knowing that , whenever in the years to come your employer may decide , for whatever reason , that you should go , you will be cushioned by a generous notice period which allows you to look for something else without the fear that very shortly the money will be running out ?
6 Mhm is is that the same for everything else around the city that you do n't like you 're quite happy to just knock it down would you and take it away somewhere else ?
7 ‘ The nearest courses to Crossgar are Downpatrick and Ringdufferin , both about six miles away , so the need for one close to the town was obvious , ’ he adds .
8 First , there is no denying the tragedy of separated Christians , and I for one long for the Church to be one .
9 The actual day 's business of shopping was over ; for everybody else in the city it looked to Boy like it was time to go home , spent up and carrying bags full of things .
10 It 's not an issue for everybody else round the table
11 If anything , the big Citroen 's styling leans more towards the quirky camp — there 'll be no mistaking it for anything else on the road , love it or hate it .
12 but she sold her house in Jersey , her husband retires in July , the school break , and erm and she said I 've got some good , er when I got home from wherever I 'd been , Rudy left me a note to say phone Val good news and I thought it were her back was good news , but she said no me medical problems were not good news , they dare n't operate cos me back 's in such a state and they have n't give her much hope for anything apart from a wheelchair sort of thing , later on in life and erm , but she said that I 've got a bit of good news I 've sold me house so I said ooh lovely , so she said I do n't know any more but I ring you and let you know , the next night she phoned me back , she said yeah me house has gone they got two hundred and twenty thousand for it , they wanted them out a week on Thursday
13 I have met some very disillusioned nurses who responded to vigorous recruitment drives and travelled many miles from home , only to find that they were expected to live ‘ in dilapidated , out of the way nurses ’ hostels with no hope of raising the funds for anything better in the vicinity .
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