Example sentences of "for [v-ing] a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Milton 's Paradise Lost or Spenser 's Faerie Queene are applauded for bringing a sophisticated use of classical epic conventions into English , creating national works which stand comparison with those of antiquity .
2 Thank you for bringing a little bit of light in .
3 The recent case of a consultant convicted of attempted murder for administering a lethal injection of potassium chloride to a patient in intractable pain has highlighted the issue of pain that , contrary to expectation , does not respond to opiates .
4 The Opposition may not like it , but does my right hon. Friend believe that there is a case for allowing a small part of parliamentary time for the Leader of the Opposition to be questioned ?
5 And they have argued that , whilst feminism should indeed always have a critical relationship to psychoanalytic theory , the latter has within it the potential for allowing a better understanding of the complexities of human desires and of the psychological construction of ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ .
6 As for the East , it is a curiosity that Egypt , from which almost all of the rest of the evidence emanates , seems to have had a preference for using a joint clause of damnatio and fideicommissum .
7 The plaintiff did recover against his employer for using an unsafe system of work .
8 This example letter is suitable for contacting a potential vendor of a targeted business ( a non-client ) on behalf of a prospective purchaser , our client .
9 In effect his agenda of constructing a theory of the state appropriate to the modern world is transformed by the public lawyers into an agenda for building a modern theory of public law .
10 Harry had been all for building a full-blown ship of three hundred tons or more , with four masts , three decks , two castles and ten brass pieces into the bargain , but Sam Gristy had insisted upon a more modest outlay , and a three-masted bark had been agreed upon .
11 The kind of guilt imposed by society is responsible for maintaining a certain amount of law and order within our civilisation .
12 Well , if death can ever be glamorous , that , I suppose , is the glamorous side of war casualties , but I think we need to spend the rest of our time very much looking at what it was like for the ordinary people of St Aldate's. erm And here , I apologise for producing a modern slide of Carfax , but I think just to remind you that we are talking about a very busy crowded city area , and erm about a city whose whole aspect was changing during the war .
13 The research has 3 principal aims : a ) to throw light on the process of assessment from the viewpoints of parents , children , professionals responsible for identifying special needs , and administrators responsible for producing a formal Statement of a child ; s needs ; b ) to describe , and provide an analysis of , sources of conflict and of agreement in the assessment process ; c ) to develop a theoretical understanding of the concept of EBD from the view-points of the various people involved in assessment , whether as clients or as professionals .
14 This maxim is also responsible for producing a large range of standard implicatures .
15 These included the British Aerosol Manufacturers Association , for suggesting that all domestic aerosols were now " ozone-friendly " ( despite the fact that some still contain ozone-damaging chemicals ) ; NIREX , the nuclear waste agency , for producing an over-simplified version of the problem of nuclear waste disposal ; and the Young Telegraph newspaper , for running a promotion sponsored by the BASF chemical conglomerate , which included copy presenting what FoE claim is an over-flattering account of BASF 's safety record .
16 And interestingly , one review by Mawer contains the only mention of the Newbolt Report to be included in the Review during the whole of the inter-war period , and this solely in the context of attributing to the Report responsibility for generating a good deal of subsequent discussion of grammar .
17 Neither , however , are adequate for generating a full picture of elders , and more work is needed to achieve this .
18 It is , we are told ( among other things ) ‘ a systematic description of a language ’ , ‘ the way words , and their component parts , combine to form sentences ’ , ‘ a device for generating a finite specification of the sentences of a language ’ .
19 Chapter 5 ( " Word Play in Action " ) promises at least a look at the socio-linguistic context of jokes , with particular emphasis on , and analysis of , real joke-capping sessions ; and Chiaro is to be commended for tackling an interesting aspect of joke-telling , in relation to discourse analysis , that has generally been neglected in book-length studies .
20 Meanwhile my interest in the film industry through Hellen Semmens was not the only reason for becoming an active member of the Vancouver Film Society — I have always been interested in films for their own sake .
21 As Account Director for the client 's advertising agency , responsible for developing a proposed Advertising Strategy document , prepare a list of the information you would require for launching a new range of hair products .
22 Many women used the campaign as a means of deepening feminist consciousness and as a platform for launching a wider programme of demands .
23 On the contrary , the maintenance of meaningful links with the birth family appear to be beneficial to children , to their sense of identity and self esteem and for gaining a better understanding of their genealogical background and adoption circumstances .
24 The latest mood of optimism gathered pace as the Prime Minister attacked ‘ doom-mongers ’ for painting a false picture of a nation in decline .
25 The West Midlands RAC , for example , was typical in arguing that the attempt to differentiate between ‘ craftsman ’ and ‘ technician ’ was based on a misunderstanding of agricultural practice which did not distinguish between them ; it therefore advocated the setting-up of a separate National Council with responsibility for establishing a unified structure of agricultural education below degree level .
26 The House version calls for establishing a National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases .
27 The Senate version , however , is in the expansionist spirit : it calls for establishing a National Institute of Arthritis , Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases .
28 The four basic relations between classes furnish a model not only for establishing a fundamental group of sense relations , but also for defining a set of systematic variants applicable to virtually all other paradigmatic sense relations .
29 It may be no accident that Jack Aubrey shares with Marryat himself a reputation for saving an unusual number of ‘ men overboard ’ .
30 The research has drawn attention to the possibilities for developing a collaborative style of classroom management which effectively frees quality teacher time but is not subject to the limitations associated with management structured on the basis of cooperative groups .
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