Example sentences of "for [pers pn] and [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To , to make people feel sorry for them and they have no shame at all in breaking limbs and distorting their features and all so that kind to make themselves look as pitiful as they possible can because they 're going to live a life of a beggar and they tell us it 's very profitable being a beggar in some lands , people can make in this country they reckon up to in places like London a hundred pounds a day being a beggar that 's more than you earn a day is n't it ?
2 check it out for them and they want a quote , say it takes two blokes an hour each
3 They do n't set their own terms about what they expect for a good quality of life , so other people do it for them and we do a bad job of it . ’
4 The footman came and dismantled it for me and I brought a chair to the French windows , quite casually , and there was natural light coming in .
5 He said : ‘ It was very emotional for me and I had a tear in my eye as I came across the line .
6 He said : ‘ It was very emotional for me and I had a tear in my eye as I came across the line .
7 Dunlop Slazenber prepared three special sets of clubs for me and I invited a small group of golfers to try them .
8 We could say well there 's our it 's a half for you and a half for you and we cut the other one and they get a half each .
9 " There 's a nice old muddle for you and I thought the Moor was a quiet place .
10 He was and because he was getting on in years and er did n't get out as much as usual , my husband said we 'd get a television for him and we had a black and white television
11 If a man engages skilled advisors to act for him and they mistake the time limit and present it too late he is out .
12 I was pleased when he asked me to do the test-flying programme for him and I had no qualms in agreeing , as I knew him to be a meticulous engineer .
13 He has done a lot of thinking and he has concluded the labour party is finished for him and I think a lot more people will do the same .
14 Scandinavia was a happy hunting ground for him and he did the same for Nicolai Gedda .
15 And it 's an opportunity for her and me to say a couple of words to us , and for us certainly to thank her very much for her service .
16 oh thank you , I do n't think I 'll get that , too much for it and I got the guy I went out to see Lee he came in
17 I get the T T G delivered to my home cos I subscribe for it and I get the business one that you do when
18 ‘ He saw an opportunity to go past me and went for it and I had no choice there but to close the door .
19 Get 'em off your chest ; you 'll feel better for it and I 've a broad back . "
20 There has to be a reason for it and I believe the answer lies in the ‘ widened ’ , unorthodox ‘ Vesica Piscis ’ , for by drawing a line through the north and south intersections ( see Fig 1 ) and comparing the distance from the westernmost point of the West Overton circle ( conveniently marked by Bishops Cannings church ) to the point where the line crosses the axis of the centres .
21 Erm I know it 's easier said than done sometimes but er it has to be your decision because even if you went ahead and were confirmed , we were tal talking about the idea of sometimes parents bring pressure on them on you to go ahead and do it and be confirmed , erm when perhaps you 're not do n't feel ready for it and it takes a lot of courage to stand up and say No I 'm not ready .
22 The oil of rhodium possesses peculiar properties : all animals cherish a fondness for it and it exercises a subduing influence over them .
23 But they said that that was for us and we said the garages , it 's sort of run down now and no use in trying to build it up again .
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