Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He had decided to do nothing further for the present and leave it to Berowne to make the first move .
2 They used to put the cloth on for the winter and take it off during the summer .
3 The Peacock Committee was convinced that it was no longer possible to recommend ‘ no change ’ to either the licence fee system or the funding structure of broadcasting as a whole ; the differences between the two sources of revenue would create recurring crises for the BBC and put it at a competitive disadvantage compared to the ITV structure .
4 I would , by the way , like to thank the members of , of the Investment Panel , for the help and support they 've given me , and also , in fact , to point out that erm , although s er , your your Chairman has spoken of Sir Ray severing his formal links with the Council , I have to say that we still do have one or two claws still attached to him , in that he remains on , as a very valued member of the Investment Panel , and will continue to provide his wisdom and advice , for which we are all very grateful .
5 The argument is that school-leavers are mainly only temporarily unemployed and in the first few months of work are likely to switch jobs as they search for the ones that suit them best .
6 He thanked Mitch again for the tattoo and said it was lasting pretty well , considering .
7 The present owners of Pool Bank were previously the tenants , and during their tenancy they cared for the gallery and strengthened it , and now as owners will watch over it with loving care .
8 The IM reached for the telephone that linked him by direct line to Bacton .
9 It was not a magical experience , enabling him to go without food for the rest of his flight , but it was a meal for the spirit that kept him nourished and firm in his intention until he reached Horeb the mountain of God ( 1 Kings 19:1–8 ) .
10 Ironically , it was the Government which he partly blamed for the affair that gave him the chance to return to work after retirement .
11 If you have been nominated to respond to an SPR , this option enables you to accept responsibility for the SPR or to pass it on to another user .
12 ‘ Aim for the trenches an' lob it straight in ;
13 For the time being you will retain hands-on responsibility for the operation but afford us any assistance we require .
14 She said a tiny minority were making life miserable for the majority and said it was time to tackle the root causes of crime .
15 She said a tiny minority were making life miserable for the majority and said it was time to tackle the root causes of crime .
16 It is when she feels compassion , rather than revulsion , for the salamander and kisses him that the spell breaks .
17 Just as she , Fru Møller , was adjusting to the need for a doctor and the possibility of a corpse at The Tamarisks , the same Miss Danziger did the rounds of the tables apologising for the shock and upset she had caused .
18 An unsuspecting crew member intercepted a call destined for the prince and passed it on to Diana .
19 At the first sign of the emotional see-saw that life so often presents , you go scurrying off for the goodies that give you comfort .
20 Coral are unable to split the pair in ante-post betting for the title and make them 5–1 joint favourites .
21 After all , a dog or a cat will come for the rub and tickle it so obviously enjoys .
22 Unfortunately , some of their riders then did them no favours whatsoever by steering for the rail and getting them penned in the pack .
23 But even so , it was far easier to set out a project for the Council than to implement it .
24 Mould a small ball for the head and secure it to the body with royal icing .
25 ‘ We 've been rehearsing steadily for the tour and live we are very confrontational .
26 ‘ What a passionate speech , ’ he drawled laconically , reaching for the Raybans and sliding them over heavy-lidded eyes .
27 You 'll have to stump up at least £2,500 for the bond and leave it invested for five years .
28 It is important to remember that it was Alexander 's all-consuming passion for the theatre that gave him the determination to find out the cause of his hoarseness .
29 As a result of these value conflicts litigants had no respect for the courts and manipulated them .
30 ‘ They gave us a key for the apartment and left us to it .
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